About Me

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Hello guys its Markibear :)
Alright here it goes...
cue da music plez ;)

To start off, I'm really sorry if I might hurt your feelings because what I'm going to tell you will blow your mind :(
So in advance I really want to apologize.

To all my beloved readers, this is my reveal...

My real name is Bär Argö Allison (and you might have seen the clues I gave during specific times) plus, I'm a crazy YouTube fan.

Yeap, I'm a male and I'm currently x years old coming x this 20th of September, you can call me Bear or Bar or Allison or whatever you wanna call me cause I would love it still...

I'm really sorry, especially to my readers who usually called me Author-Chan (I never knew what Chan was until I looked it up and found out it was for anonymous people) but really, I loved you guys soooo much for calling me that ❤️

You guys supported me from the beginning I joined Wattpad which was just a few weeks ago. I had an old account before but I don't remember it anymore. I never made stories over there though but I do remember adding hundreds of Septiplier books to my private reading list...mhmm....

So yeah, I guess that's all I have to say. Again I apologize from deep within my heart to everyone who enjoyed reading my books and kept helping me get back up at times when I needed help :)

I'm really happy that I've made it here so far, and I don't wanna turn back. I realize I have a family too here on Wattpad, which is you guys :)

I guess that's all I'm going to say, here are my other 'details' just to give you a little surface reading...

My full name: Bar Allison Argö Victor Van Goethe
German name: Bear Allison Argö

Gender: Imma boy...

Age: Turning old (nope)

Height: 1.75m? Am I that tall? Hahahaha

Likes: Reading, Septiplier is my OTP, YouTube, writing, waking up the next morning to see the comments on my books 🤔

Dislikes: Heights, my crappy Internet, school...it sucks...

Eye color : Same as Mark's 😉

Hair: Like Jack's but swerved left and mopped down. Not dyed though...

Race: I am....I'm....half American and Half Asian ;)

Where I'm staying right now: Los Angeles, CA (yeah...I know, Mark lives there too but I rarely meet the guy, never been to any events regarding YouTube either)

We finished? The song done? Don't go yet if the song hasn't ended 😇

So thank you guys! If you liked this book, Comment anything down below and punch that star button in da face, like a boss! *share it all around*, wapsh wapsh...
And I thank you readers and I'll see all you dudes...in the next chapter!

*hugs and kisses*

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