Chapter 4 : Sector Six

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Nothing, they've already left. The road I once walked was deserted again. The only thing I saw were the trees, the asphalt layer beneath my shoes and of course the roaming zekes that wandered around, growling for no reason.

The next camp I intended to settle to was in Anaheim. Going there on foot would be approximately nine fucking hours. I had no transport whatsoever but the bike which I left a few miles back. I couldn't just retreat and take the bike. This was the only way I could move on, hopefully live as well.

I threw away all my thoughts, checked my supplies and resumed towards my destination. As I walked I stumbled upon a signboard that had the words Sector 6. By now, I should be more cautious, entering this zone was practically going for suicide. But this was the only shortcut I could take to reach Anaheim before dusk.

The road soon divided itself into two. One reaching for the long highway and the other cutting through Sector 6. I held my breath and took a short glance into the blue sky, not even a single bird was flying. The zone was a safe place from the zekes but the streets were guarded with hunters. The worse part was, they teamed up with the marauders. If they saw me, I don't think I'll ever make it out alive. More like, they would chop my body up into pieces and sell me to the other clans out there.

There were a lot of rumors that the Septic were killed for the money. Blood were encased in sort of like, tubes. Then they were transported to the seemingly called 'Scientists' in sector zero. Until this day, the cure was never found.

This was it, I'll risk my life for my life. There was no point in turning back or taking the long road.Either way, I would still be going to the same destination. I held my breath and walked into the silent streets.


It has been a few minutes venturing in the zone. I expected a few guards to catch my presence but I was still unrecognized. Then, there was this huge gate that stood between me and the other half end of the road. There was no other path on the left or right, nor could I even climb a building and jump over.

It was until then a guard suddenly showed up in one of the pillars.His eyes caught me almost instantly. Fuck Jack, you've messed up. You should've known better.

"Hands over your head!" He yelled as I grimaced to his words. He held out a rifle and aimed it at me. "Now get down!"

I laid my backpack on the road beside my shotgun, bending my knees as they both planted themselves on the hard layer. I sighed, now I'm going to die. A butcher was probably waiting for me on the other side.

I could see the guard's body composition. He had a bandana over his head and his arms were fully tattooed thick. He then held out a walkie talkie whilst still looking at me. I spat onto the side, taunting him of my bravery. I was not scared of any of them. Be it young or old, they deserve to die for what they did.

"You gonna fucking arrest me or not?!" I shouted as the guard bunked his weapon, his eyes giving me another warning to shut up.

Then the gates opened, revealing me a group of hunters. Their noses were pierced and their clothes resembled a punk-like band. They were holding guns and as I knew it, behind, came out a fat man with a butcher's knife. It had stains of blood on it and I could see a carving on the handle. 

"Septic Chef."

I rolled my eyes and reached for my shotgun but it was immediately kicked off by one of them. They started laughing and then, this skinny man came up to me, punching my face hard. I felt circles come into my head, it was not pleasant.

He held my chin up and stared into my eyes. His teeth was rotten as hell. His neck had a silver necklace and his ears were pierced with gold rings. He breathed out a foul breath, I almost threw up.

"Wait, this one's a Septic." He paused before poking my eye and pulled my hair, shoving me into the group. "This one's a Septic boys!"

They started cheering as if it was a celebration for them. They laughed and laughed at me, until I felt my hands and legs get tied up. My stomach was given hard punches, I felt a lot of pain.

"You fuckers! Burn in hell!" I exclaimed. I was brought into this old building where I saw other people.

It had cells with big huge locks on them. I was tossed in by the fat man where he took out a key and shut the door tight. I could barely move, I was motionless.

I couldn't feel my legs, I was moaning in pain. I felt tears dropped down off my face. I knew it was going to end here. I tried to sit myself up as I leaned my back against the cold wall. My bag was thrown into the cell I was in but my shotgun was nowhere to be found. I could hear drumming outside of the building and muffles of cries from the other captives.

A few seconds later the man came back and grabbed one of them, pulling his arm as he screamed for help. I could see he had the same septic eye as me. I wanted to help but my body was not capable at that moment.

I then heard a loud crowd cheer upon the captive being pulled out, a loud thud, like something being cut off.

A body was thrown back into the cell, blood dribbling out from the neck, but the head was no longer there. I noticed it was the same person that cried for mercy, and now he was gone.

I clasped my hands over my mouth, oh my god...

Holy shit! What's going to happen?
I'm not ready to see what comes next...
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