Chapter 26 : Warm Bodies

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It was night time, the stars in the sky brightened across the blank region, illuminating beside the crescent moon. I got off the car as I helped Mark bring the weapons cache into the supply room. It was a very tiring day and most of us were dead beaten by the fight we had.

Mark held my shoulders and wrapped himself around me, swaying my sides left and right as he gave me a kiss on the neck. Wiishu and Wade made their way back into the office and left the both of us wide in the open, without any people watching us.

"Jack, today was something yeah?" Mark said, muffling the words into my ear, "Maybe we can go somewhere fun tonight."

I smiled and replied, "Where do ya think we should go Markimoo?"

"On the roof." He continued as my face went to a blush, crimson red formed over my cheeks.

He then held my hand as we went into the apartment lobby and towards the stairs. We climbed all the way up until we reached the final floor, opening the door to the dark night. Mark rested his arms on the edge and brought me by his side, the cold breeze blew against the both of us.

"Aren't they going to find us Mark, I mean this is beautiful but we might get caught." I said nervously. The view was just amazing but the risk was high.

"Jack you worry too much," he paused, "forget about the things that might happen, what's important is that I want to spend all the time that I have with you."

I looked at Mark and stared right into his eyes, pushing him in for a passionate kiss. Mark's soft lips landed onto mines, our warm embrace was a moment to think about. How could I ever not want to spend my time with this person? He wanted to do everything for me and he was trying so hard.

We then broke away from the kiss, taking in short breaths before Mark pulled out something from his jeans. It was a small box that had my name on it, written in paper with his handwriting.

He then opened it and revealed me two bracelets. One knitted in a double knot with the letter J on it. It was green and had some stripes of orange. The other was the opposite, green stripes and a beautiful orange with the letter M.

"Jack, I want you to always remember me wherever and whenever you can. I want you to be with me for the rest of my life. This ones for you." He said as he gave me then one with M.

He then strapped the J bracelet onto his wrist as I did with mines.

"Mark, this is so wonderful of you. I...I never thought you would do this for me." I replied as I tangled our fingers and connected our foreheads.

"You're my everything in the world Markimoo."


We then went downstairs and into Wiishu's room. Too bad she wasn't there but Marzia was. She was busy matching the blueprints for the cure, trying to find out the exact formula. She then looked at the both of us as she stood up.

"You guys are late, what took you so long?" She asked while swaying a rolled up blueprint in the air, "I was worried sick, too bad I couldn't join in with the battle you guys had."

"Yeah we got into a fight with some of the hunters around the airbase. We got the weapons cache though, but we were rather late in the process." Mark answered as he gave a hug towards Marzia. She exhaled in relief, pulling my shirt in joining the embrace. I smiled and brought us in tighter.

"Hey, I'm going to the office to talk about some stuff. Meanwhile, you guys could stay here, just don't make a lot of noise." She said, walking to the front door and leaving silently.

Mark watched her disappear out of sight as he turned around to look at me. He shrugged and smiled, caressing my hair with his hand.

"The world is boring, there's nothing to do. Not even the TV's are working." I complained. There wasn't anything else that we could spend our time on.

"What do you mean, not working?" Mark said as he went to the TV in the living room and flipped it around, fumbling with the wires and chords that attached itself to the wall, "Hey you mind holding this for awhile? I'll be back."

I then held the TV as Mark made his way outside. I could hear his footsteps fading away with every distance he made then, a spark came over the socket as the TV powered on. My eyes widened in shock. How the fuck?

"There, done, who said TV doesn't work in the apocalyptic world." He said, helping me put the set back into place.

"How did you do that? I mean I saw this spark come off the plug and then it turned on." I asked sounding utterly amazed at the same time.

"I had some experience in the cable service before, just needed to switch on the main power near the block. This building has reserved electricity." He paused, "Now what movie do you wanna watch?"

My cheeks flushed red once again, heat radiated over them as I watched Mark comfort himself on the couch, leaving an empty space for me to sit right beside him.

I tried to look for the discs in the cabinet. There were Final Destination, Divergent and Battle Of Los Angeles.

"You care to watch Divergent?" I asked as Mark nodded with a smile.

"Any movie is accepted." He replied.

I then took out the disc and inserted it into the DVD player, clicking on play and turning my back around.

"Hey, now what's this about?" I said as I looked at Mark in a different position. He was now occupying the whole couch with his head and feet at both ends. He winked, causing me to bite my lower lip.

"I wanna try something new, come here." He added as I walked over to him, sitting down first the resting my self right in front of him in the same position as he wrapped his arm over my chest.

"You're so big." I chuckled out as he gripped my hand. We both watched the movie in ease, the night crawler its way over us.

"And you're so small, like my smol bean." He mumbled as he kissed my neck.

An hour passed by and my eyes could no longer stand watching it. I then blinked and went to a fluttering eye motion while feeling Mark's stubble over my cheek.

It was comfortable being with him, watching a movie in one of the rarest days of my life. I loved every second of it.

I took one last glance at our hands together. The bracelets were intertwined with the letters in sight. I then fell into a deep sleep, holding Mark's hand all the way.

Aww that fluff...
I actually went butterfly mode doing this..

So thank you guys! If you liked this book, Comment anything down below and punch that star⭐️ button in da face, like a boss! *share it all around*, wapsh wapsh...
And I thank you readers and I'll see all you the next chapter!

*hugs and kisses*

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