Part One

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Felix POV

I was walking home from school. That's all. Just walking.

I could see other kids walking around me, but none of them walked with someone.

I had a headache since 6th period so I was trying to get home to sleep. I suddenly was out of breath and everyone disappeared. Everything disappeared. It was dark, and black.

Nothing was alive, Nothing was there. Just black.

Hello there, I'm Felix. I'm here to tell this part of the story. However you will discover that I'm not the main character. However, it all started with me and the day I was describing above. I thought I died right then and there but no. This isn't some soppy love story where we all live happily ever after. Well.. I'm not the main character so my relationship doesn't matter. This was the beginning of my Death.


It all started on that day, I woke up to bright lights and an annoying beeping. Well I can't really say annoying when that was the only sign of life I had had for three days.

You see I didn't know what was wrong at the time, but I soon found out that I had a tumor: A cancerous tumor. The cancer: Spinal Cancer. It had caused me to stop walking and fall, hitting my head and putting me in a three day coma. I knew I didn't have the best life, but... wow.

After I woke up I was told all this and sorta freaked out. I mean how would you react if you were diagnosed with spinal cancer? Yeah that's what I thought.

So anyways, it was at this time that I was put into treatment. I hated it. After a while I got used to it though. The good thing was that I didn't have to go to that horrible school. I didn't lose my hair right away which was a plus, it actually stayed for a while. But I did lose it eventually.

After a few months I came to terms with life and realized that I was never going to get better. I decided to live life. In the hospital I was in they let me skip school. They understood that I wanted to live my life to the fullest. They knew that so many kids knew if they were going to die.

I was one of them.

I lived life for a long time with no friends. It was okay but... I think I went a little insane. But we can't go that far into the story yet.

I tried making friends, but I always failed. No one wanted to be friends with the bald, cancerous, wheelchair bound, friend-less, Swedish kid.

I stopped trying after a while and converted my focus on YouTube. I hid my cancer from my fans. I wore a wig, I did everything. I didn't want my fans to think I was faking for views. So I put a wall up in my hospital room and made it look like I was a normal kid, with a normal life. That worked for a while.

YouTube is where I met my first friend, Kyle. Kyle was a fan. He always commented and liked from the beginning. So, I talked to him. He often asked to meet me, but I always declined. I wasn't allowed to leave. Kyle and I talked all the time, but after a while he wanted to talk face to face. So, we did Skype. We would Skype everyday all day. I would have to leave a few times, saying my "mom" needed me, when really the nurse needed to change my IV.

Kyle finally convinced me to let him meet me. I told him that I lived in a hospital, and he seemed surprised but didn't think to much of it. After we set up when he would come I became terrified. No one knew I had cancer. This was huge.

When he finally did come he wasn't prepared for me. I heard him walk out of the elevator and onto my floor. I quickly put on my wig and went to the door. Went he knocked I opened it.

When he saw me in the wheelchair he was speechless. He thought I was here for like a surgery or something, which technically speaking I did get a lot of surgeries.

I explained everything and he seemed to be even more shocked. We hung out all day before he had to leave.

When he was gone we texted and Skyped but something was different, and after a while he started to fade away.

He only texted about once a week, and I was in and out of surgery and treatment so I never really replied.

After a while he stopped texting me and I never texted him. That was the end of our friendship.

I eventually got to go home for certain Hollidays when I was strong enough.

But I had been alone in a hospital for a year and I needed someone to talk to. That's when she came...


I instantly fell in love. I didn't know why she came but I loved her.

I later found out that she lost an arm to cancer, and they wanted monitor her to be sure it didn't spread to her heart.

I didn't care why she was here though. I just cared that she was here.

We became friends fast and we liked each other but neither of us admitted it.

That is until I did on Valentine's Day.

She told met that she liked me back and we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

I was so proud to be her boyfriend.

It didn't matter to me that she could die at any second. All that mattered was that she loved me, and I loved her. After another 2 years was when we got another person in our group.

By this time we were 17, dating since 15.

This new person became our friend easily. His name was Phil.

Death- A YouTuber FanficWhere stories live. Discover now