Part Seventeen

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(1509 words)

I jumped awake and sat up quickly.

My vision turned purple and I was pushed back down onto the bed. As my vision cleared my hearing came back I heard my name being called.


I tried to sit up again but I was being held down.

"I have to leave. I- I need to go home."

"Honey, you're ok now. No one will hurt you anymore."

The nurse must have seen my confusion and filled me in with the details.

I was silent as she explained what would happen to me and what happened in the hospital. I would be staying here until I was 18 or when someone would take me in.

I wasn't allowed to leave for the first month so they could "monitor" me.

I was walked to the cafeteria for lunch and everyone looked up at me.

I didn't really look at anyone, just glared around so they would leave me alone. Just as I did in school.

The nurse abandoned me and I grabbed a tray of food not really looking at what it was.

I treated the lunch like a school lunch so I sat at a random table and started eating. The people at the table stopped talking and seemed to be watching me.

I could hear their whispering even if they thought I couldn't.

"Who's he?"

"Why'd he chose our table?"

It wasn't anything mean like school, so I wasn't as mad about being here.

The people here had probably saved me from death.


After I finished I took the tray up and walked out of the cafeteria. I needed to find my mother or father.

I was told when I wasn't near them to find them as soon as possible or there would be punishment.

The nurse told me that my father was in the hospital being treated so he had to be in somewhere.

Suddenly I was grabbed and I froze.

"Daniel, you can't wonder off like that,"

I dipped my head to the nurse and sat on the ground in a submissive position waiting for punishment. I had broken a rule.

"What- what are you doing?"

My father used to do this. Make me recite what I had done and beg for a punishment. "I have broken multiple rules, ma'am. I apologize greatly for going out of eyesight and wondering off without permission. Please punish me in the way you see fit."

"No, Daniel. There aren't punishments anymore."

I looked at her with a confused expression but quickly looked down as I had broken the rule that I had to be still as I waited for punishment.

"Daniel, stand up."

I quickly stood and looked at her, waiting for another command.

"Good, now follow me."

I followed her as she lead me into and office. She talked to some people and then looked back to me.

"You're going to have to learn how to live. We want you to make some friends."

I couldn't make friends. I didn't know how to anymore. I didn't want him to hurt them.

The nurse took me to a new room and told me that this was my new room. I didn't need to be in the ICU, since I had woken up.

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