Part Ten

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Jack POV

Mark, Dan, and Phil came back to the table and I knew something bad went down. No one talked about it because Phil was never like this, so we were shocked.

We all mainly just didn't want anything we said to affect Phil negatively.

Dan stood up carrying Phil and a tray of food. He did a small nod to say goodbye and walked out of the cafeteria.

Mark leaned over to me and whispered, "I couldn't hear what that guy was saying, but I want to kill him."

I hit him, "Don't just say that! But same honestly, he has been here for like three months and has always been a bully."

Felix shifted in his seat, "He's not always been bad you know."

"How do you know him."

"I have my ways."


Mark had come into my room after breakfast and we hung out for a long time, skipping lunch.

"Hey Mark."

"Yeah?" He said looking up from his phone.

"Want to go crash Dan and Phil's nap?

He smirked, "Hell yeah."


Mark walked along with my wheelchair towards Phil's room where I assumed they had gone since he didn't have a roommate.

"I can push that for you,"

"Mark I already told you, I can do it myself. Besides, they wouldn't give me a controller for the wheelchair if I wasn't meant to move myself."

"But.. Ugh why won't you just let me help you?"

"Because I don't need help, now shut up we're getting close to Phil's room. Have you ever been there?"

"No, what are we going to be doing?"

"Just scaring them I guess."

Mark nodded and walked up to Phil's door.

'Ready?' He mouthed.

I nodded and got as close to the door as I could.

Mark started counting down on his fingers.

3.. 2... 1..

He opened the door and ran in jumping on the bed that they were on. I yelled and rolled myself in, laughing.

Dan sat straight up and instantly put his right hand protectively in front of Phil and punched Mark with his left hand.

"Oh god, I'm sorry!"

Mark held onto his cheek laughing, "Why'd you punch me?"

"What would you do if someone attacked you in your sleep?" Dan replied sarcastically.

"Ok fine, good point."

I had finally got to the bed, "He suggested it so blame him." I said pointing to Mark.

"What?! You suggested it not me!"

"Well you agreed!"

"I never would have thought t-"

"Ok enough." Phil interrupted sitting up, "What time is it?"

I looked to the clock, "6:28."

"Well I'm not going to sleep tonight." Dan mumbled.

Phil leaned over and said something to him. Which resulted in Dan's eyes widening and looking to Phil.

"What did he say?" Mark asked.

"N-Nothing!" Dan said instantly back, "Nothing at all." Dan glared at Mark to not question him.

"Okaaay," Mark said, "We should probably head to dinner now then."

"Yeah let's do that." I said.



"Well I'm not going to sleep tonight," I mumbled.

Phil leaned over, "Don't worry I'll keep you busy."

My eyes widened and I looked to Phil. Why did you say that? What did you mean by that?

He seemed to be surprised in himself too.

"What did he say?" Mark asked.

"N-Nothing!" I said instantly back, That was to fast, "Nothing at all." I glared at Mark so he wouldn't question it.

"Okaaay," Mark said, "We should probably head to dinner now then."

"Yeah let's do that." Jack said.


We all got our food, well, I got Phil's food for him, but we all got food.

Everyone was having a conversation so I took this moment to ask Phil. I turned my body towards Phil and he did it to, "Why did you say that?"

"I don't know it just happened." He whispered back blushing, "I'm sorry."

"N-No it fine but I just wasn't expecting that."

"We should have a sleepover though."

"Of course," I whispered smirking, "You room since I have Mark?"

"Sure, I'm sure the nurses will allow it since we're two guys."

"Yeah," I laughed a little trying to laugh more for Phil. He instantly smiled and went back to his food.

I looked back up and noticed everyone's eyes were on us, "Y-Yes?"

"What were you two talking about?" Felix asked.

"Nothing." Both Phil and I said said back.

"Well I was trying to get your attention and you didn't seem interested, now that I have it." Felix smiled a sad smile and looked to Marzia, "Marzia is leaving us. Her cancer isn't spreading."

We all cheered for her and she smiled, "Thanks guys! I'll always miss you."

Felix took a breath and started talking again, "So Marzia is leaving, and so am I.. I'm not cured or anything, but they don't know what else to do for me, so I'm going home."

We all looked at each other, we were losing two people from our group, "I'm happy for both of you, I hope you live long together." I said not believing my own words.

"Thanks Dan," Felix said, "We leave tonight."

"Good for you two. We'll miss you." Phil said.

"We'll miss you too," Marzia said back.


Everyone finished their hugs and goodbyes as they walked and wheeled out hand in hand. "Bye Felix, Bye Marzia." Jack said.

"Visit us!" Phil yelled after them.

"We will!" They yelled back.

"Bye Felix." Said and unknown voice. I looked over and didn't believe my eyes.

It was-

"Bye Kyle." Felix said looking towards him.

They got in the car and it drove them away.

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