Part Fourteen

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(1134 words)

Phil and I sat in the bathroom for a little bit in comfortable silence. I had fallen asleep at some point and when I woke up, I was being moved.

I peaked open my eyes and saw that Phil was picking me up. "Where are we going?"

"I have to go back to my room now, will you open the door?"

I blindly reached for the door knob and turned it.
Phil silently opened the door and shut off the bathroom light, before walking over to my bed and gently placing me on it with the blanket on top of me.

"I'll see you in a few minutes at breakfast, okay?"

I nodded and Phil placed a kiss on my forehead before walking to my closet and then out of the room and back to his own.

A few minutes later he was replaced with a nurse who was surprised that I was awake, but I pretended that I had woken up a few minutes early and didn't want to go back to sleep for two minutes.

I looked at the end of my bed and saw that there was now an outfit there left by Phil. I smiled and went to change as the nurse woke up Dean.

The outfit Phil chose was a baggy potato sack looking shirt with black jeans. I quickly put it on and straighten my hair. Oh crap! Shit shitshitshit. Phil saw me with my curly hair. He must think I'm ugly. I'll have to apologize.

I walked out of the bathroom and waited for Dean to get ready.

He was quicker than me and he seemed to be wide awake now.

"How did you sleep?"

'Fine, I woke up to Phil coming into our room, but I'm sure you know about that.'

I was terrified for a second wondering what he had heard and he seemed to notice.

'I fell asleep directly afterward since you seemed to know about it. Whatever secrets you must have spilled wasn't heard by me'

"Oh, that's good. Not that I don't trust you but, I don't know you that well."

'It's fine I understand, shall we get going?'

"Yeah," We walked out and Dean jumped as Phil suddenly appeared beside me.

'Oh hello'

Phil was confused with the signed oh but knew what the wave meant.

"Hi, how are you?" He said a large smile on his face.

'I'm fine, a little tired but not to much.'

Phil looked to me for help and I quickly translated.

"Oh, me too, but my tiredness is probably worse than yours. I woke up in the middle of the night and just couldn't get back to sleep."

Dean nodded and sat next to me, trying his best to talk to Sean and Mark without actually speaking.

Phil and I left the table to get food and were having some weird conversation about Pokémon when Kyle seemed to be walking over to us.

"Yo, Fags!"

I ignored him and got Dean's food as well as mine.

"I'm not going to do anything to you just wanted to dump another fag on you."

That got Phil and I's attention. Kyle shoved a guy at us and spoke again. "You got a mute and now you have two."

The kid seemed to be terrified even as Kyle walked away.

Phil was the first to talk, "Hey, do you talk?"

He flinched at Phil's voice and shook his head.

I set the two trays I had on the table and tried signing.

'How about signing? You don't have to be afraid of us, we won't hurt you.'

'Yeah I sign. I just got here and they assigned Him to be my guardian or something.'

'You poor thing, I'm the guardian of Dean here, who also doesn't talk. I'm sure you two will get along.'

Dean had been watching our conversation and quickly stepped up, 'Hi! I'm Dean, who are you?'


'Well hello there Jack, you can hang around us instead of Kyle he's a bully.'

I quit watching their conversation and explained the situation to Sean and Mark.


After breakfast, Jack and Dean went to the office to discuss their new guardian's with the counselors, then they had a meeting with the rest of the people in the guardian group. This was so that the guardians had some alone time everyday.

I logged to send Dean to Phil's room when he was done and started walking with Phil to his room.

We couldn't let the nurses know about their relationship and the rooms were the only non-camera areas.

As we closed the door to Phil's room, he quickly kissed me.

"You know, you've never been the one to make the move on me." Phil said after he pulled away.

"You didn't give me a chance that time, but now you've made it a game," I said playfully.

"I really like how much happier you are now that we are together,"

"Me too, it's more fun to be happy, but I can only be really happy when we have these moments and our relationship is something we can show off."

"Yeah, I really wanted to kiss you at breakfast earlier."

"Me too, but we can't let anyone know about it, the nurses wouldn't let us have sleepovers and I know that I'm not ready to come out yet. I'm still nervous about it."

"I'm not ready either, we're still young and no one will think we'll last. There's also that age difference between us that is considered weird at our ages."

"Hey I'm not that much younger, okay? You may be turning 18 tomorrow but I'll be turning 17 soon enough."

"I'll be an adult and you'll still be a minor. Wouldn't it be illegal if we were together?"

"Nope, I looked it up. Since we are close in age it's legal."

"You looked it up?" Phil laughed, "How long have you liked me?"

"I was just curious okay? I didn't know if I liked you or not but I knew you would be turning 18 soon and wanted to know." I mumbled a little bit near the end and was blushing so hard I wouldn't dare look at him. "You see what you did! You made me the girl."

Phil laughed and smiled, "Well, I'm definitely not the girl."

"Neither of us are that the entire point of being in a gay relationship."

"Good point."

We talked for a few hours and when lunch time came around we were both so happy. When we walked out of Phil's room it hit me that we couldn't even hold hands without giving away our relationship. We may have done it before we were together but I didn't know if I could lie if someone asked.

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