Part Fifteen

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(565 words)
Mark POV

Sean and I sat at the table at the same time Jack and Dean were escorted with a nurse.

They both sat down and started eating instantly. The nurse having already gotten them lunch. I ran and got Sean and I's lunch really quickly.

"Thank you." Sean said as I set down his tray. He hated being at the end of the table and I knew it. But he couldn't put his wheelchair on the sides.

I suddenly came up with an idea and wondered if it would work. He could use at least one of his arms and hold himself up for a few minutes. Maybe if I just, "Sean, Do you trust me?"

"What?" He was surprised with the question but answered it before I could repeat it. "Of course, why?"

I stood and situated one hand under his legs and the other on his back. He immediately grabbed onto my chest with his movable arm and whisper screamed at me, "What on earth are you doing?!"

"I know you hate this spot and I want you to be happy."

At that exact moment Dan and Phil walked to the table with their food and said an aww in sync.

I picked Sean up and placed him down at the spot where he would sit next to me. He situated himself the best he could and whispered so quietly that I was the only one who could hear him.

"I can't keep myself in this position in much longer my back isn't strong enough."

He hated being disabled and everyone knew it. He always tried his best to drink milk so his bones would heal, eat vitamins for healing, and work hard at physical therapy.

I did what seemed like the most logical thing without thinking and wrapped my arm around him so he could lean on me.

"That is so cute, you two are cute together." I heard Phil say as he had witnessed the entire thing.

"I could say the same for you and Dan." I teased back at him, he looked away before speaking again, "I think I ship all of you with each other. Jack and Dean, Mark and Sean. Your names just go together."

"Umm, Dan and Phil were meant to be placed together."

Dan finally spoke up, "No actually, they are very different."

We all joked around at lunch but I felt as though Sean and I'd relationship had gotten stronger. I had become better friends with Dan, Phil, Jack, and Dean.

Jack and Dean were taken by the nurses when the finished and Dan and Phil disappeared soon after them.

Sean had finish eating and so had I but I didn't want to let him go.

He finally told me to put him back and I took back the trays.

We went down the hall and into our room. Where he immediately asked me if I could put him in his bed.

"I'm tired from holding myself up for so long."

I quickly and carefully did so and laid down next to him.

We cuddled for a little but nothing romantic, all platonic.

We ate dinner and went back to the same position, falling asleep.


Short but sweet. I didn't want to have the entire story be about Dan and Phil so I snuck in a fluff chapter for Sean and Mark.

(Also the edit fixed a few spelling errors I didn't see the first time, sorry)

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