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Jiyoung sighed as she gently placed down the guitar next to her and placed her hands on her lap. She looked down, her long, flowing hair drooped  over her face concealing the little tears that formed and slid down her cheek. "That really was something" Jiyoung turned her head in shock to that familiar voice, her eyes widened and her jaws dropped. "W-what are you doing here?" she stands up quickly wiping her tears away. Jiyoung stands there, her hands behind her back and her head lowered in embarrasment. She didn't feel strong, she didn't have that menacing vibe anymore, she felt weak, vulnerable, stripped and unprotected as if every little word could crumble her. She started shaking and her knees when weak, she felt as though she was going to fall but suddenly a pair of hands were placed upon her cold shoulders, she looked up only to see the unique smile of Kim Taehyung. Jiyoung couldn't take it anymore and for the first time in a very long time she started to cry in front of someone, the tears streamed freely down her cheek and she wailed. She clutched onto Taehyung's uniform and they slid down onto the grass. He was scared to pull her in closer, what if she freaked and pushed him away? But he breathed and put his arm around her shoulders and carefull brought her in closer surprisingly she didn't push him away or punch him, she kept on crying her heart out and even buried her head into Taehyung's chest. They sat there while Jiyoung cried taehyung didn't say anything other than stroking her hair and back, he rested his head on hers and waited.

After a while, Jiyoung finally calmed down and pushed away from Taehyung, her hair a mangled mess covered her face. "Y-you honestly don't know how freakin embarrased I am right now..." Taehyung only held her chin up and looked into her sorrowful eyes. "You can tell me anything" Jiyoung breathed "i've never opened up to anyone, I haven't done this in so long I stayed strong for so many years so why now did I shatter?" she covered her face with her hands "Maybe its because you stayed strong for too long" Taehyung said moving her hands away "thats better let me see that pretty face of yours" he smirked

"You know I can kill you right?"

"I'd like to see you try"

Jiyoung only laughed at his words knowing full well she was powerless at this stage and Taehyung was taking full advantage. "To be honest I don't really know what happened, those lyrics.. were actually my older brother's lyrics.." she said looking at the swaying grass.

"I don't really know about your family"

"No one does"

"I feel honoured to be the first to know"

Jiyoung looked at him and hesitated. "I feel so fucking wierd, I feel so fucking embarrased."

"Don't be please?"

Jiyoung hesitated and breathed in.

"I lived in Australia with my mum, dad, older brother. Fun fact I wasn't always the mean, dark princess I am today, I was actually really bubbly, joyful. My family was the best thing that happened to me I did amazing at school and kept my parents proud and I got along with my brother. Everything was going so well until..."

"Until what?"

Jiyoung was facing away from Taehyung and was facing the sunlight. She turned her head "I fell in love."

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