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For the next few weeks Jiyoung hung out, talked with more people and soon the school got used to it. It was a drastic change but everyone managed, lots of people admired her and would always ask for advice, she became friends with nearly everyone and most guys got very nervous around her. They wanted their hidden feelings to be known but a tame tiger is still a tiger. Sometimes Jiyoung would go back to her little secret garden and chill there. She loved the company, but sometimes she loved being alone even more. Taehyung would sometimes be there and day by day they got closer and closer, Jiyoung felt as though she could tell him anything and Taehyung could tell her anything. They became the closest of friends and could do anything around each other. Taehyung even introduced her to his table of boys and sometimes she would go sit with them for lunch. It was quite fun since they were guys and just laughed at everything. Sometimes Jiyoung would laugh so hard she could feel the chocolate milk going up her nose. She felt the most comfortable around the boys and Areum too, they talked quite alot and turns out they had quite alot in common, she became Jiyoung's closest girl friend but Taehyung would always be her main.

One lunch, Jiyoung and Taehyung were chilling in the secret garden, Jiyoung sat in the shade of the willow tree while Taehyung lay down on the crisp grass, soaking up the warm sun. Jiyoung only stared at the sleeping beauty in front of her, every though made her smile. "Yah are you trying to get a tan?" she said to him, Taehyung didn't turn around but got more comfortable "i'm already dark what are you talking about?" "Hah! Dark!" Jiyoung scrunched up a paper and threw it right at his head, he sat up rubbing his head and grabbed the paperball and threw it back a Jiyoung who only laughed. "Your so mean" Taehyung cried crawling over to Jiyoung, she pushed his face away when he got too close and they only laughed.

After school ended, she and Taehyung decided to walk to the minimart and grab a few drinks to have at the park, they took a seat on a bench and sipped their drinks. "Jiyoung-ah are you busy this  weekend?" Jiyoung only turned at the boy, her straw still in her mouth "eh probably not why?" "well there's going to be this light show in the main city and they'll decorate the entire city with really pretty lights and it just seemed fun to go too.." "The main city? Isn't there like a lot of pigeons there?" Jiyoung shot him an evil smirk, he only looked down embarrassed "y-yes..but it'd still be fun to go to right?" Jiyoung looked at the orange sky and the light pink clouds "yeah sure i'll come."

Soon it was Saturday morning and she didn't really plan on doing much today, she got a text from Areum saying she had nothing to do so she might come over. "Heyy Jiyoung, you have food right?" Areum said as soon as Jiyoung opened the door, she had become extremely close with Areum now, like the sister she never had "yeah you idiot get inside" she grabbed Areum's wrist and pulled her in. Areum sat in the lounge while Jiyoung tried to find all the junk she had, "Ok so I have some instant ramen, chilli chips,popcorn, dark raspberry chocolate and 5 different types of ice cream" Jiyoung said as she brought over all the food and placed them on the coffee table "great this should last us" Areum exclaimed opening the chilli chips and popcorn while Jiyoung put on some dramas. "You and Taehyung are really close huh?" Areum brought up while stuffing her face with chips "mhm I guess so, why?" "whens he going to ask you out?" Jiyoung choked on a piece of popcorn which made Areum giggle "dude..we're just friends ok?" "hm i know but you guys would be so much better than just friends right?" This annoyed Jiyoung slightly "Areum don't ask about me and Taehyung ok? We're nothing more than just friends and I don't want it to go further" Areum got the clear message that Jiyoung didn't want to speak about that subject "i'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" Jiyoung only turned to her friend and gave her a reassuring smile "it's ok, i'm human too and there are some things I just don't want to talk about."

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