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They knew they were in the right place when they were greeted by the delicious aroma of friend food and sweet treats. The street was vibrant with colour since the stalls were gorgeously decorated, they were all lined up on both sides and it was filled with people. People were either flipping
pancakes or drizzling chocolate sauce on waffles. People walked past with delicious treats in their hands wether it be crispy gamja hot dogs or yummy looking goldfish bread. Jiyoung's mouth watered as they past every stall, forget about ramen and cotton candy she wanted everything. "TaeTae we have to get goldfish bread and Ice cream filled waffles!" Jiyoung said as she tugged at Taehyung's sleeve. "Yahh what happened to ramen?" he asked "no more ramen I want to try something different but goldfish bread first pleaseee" she begged cutely, "Yeah yeah ok lets go find the stall" Taehyung smiled and rolled his eyes as they set out on a quest for goldfish bread. They soon found the stall and watched them as they placed the scoops of ice-cream into the goldfish's mouth and topped it off with chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles. Before digging into their snack, Jiyoung had to take photos and selcas so they both posed and held up the cute little goldfish bread. They had quickly finished it since it was just too good and this time Taehyung decided on what to eat "lets go for fried squid!" he said excitedly, grabbing Jiyoung's hand and racing to the friend squid stall.

After trying many different types of street food, they were just too full to go on. "Come with me I know a nice place we can just relax." Jiyoung followed Taehyung away from the crowd and main city. It was slowly getting darker. "Taehyung where are you taking me? I want to stay with the crowd" Jiyoung said a little shakily. "Don't worry, just stay close to me" he replied sweetly holding her hand which made her blush. They went into a alley way and Jiyoung got really frightened, but Taehyung assured her everything would be ok. They went up some metal stairs on the side of the building and it led to a roof top. Taehyung helped Jiyoung get up the stairs but in the end it was all worth it. Shakily, Jiyoung walked to the edge of the roof top which had a small balcony and it overlooked the entire festival. "Woww its so prettyy!!" Jiyoung yelled as she peered over the balcony, suddenly she got a little too excited and lost her balance. If it wasn't for Taehyung's quick thinking, she would've plummeted to the ground. He held her tightly around the waist, Jiyoung's eyes were opened wide in terror as her life just flashed in front of her eyes. "Hey are you ok??" Taehyung asks worridley placing his big hands on her small shoulders. "Mm..yeah..just a bit shocked..." Jiyoung answers nervously, "Uh you can let me go now" she adds in. Taehyung didn't realise he was still holding onto her, he only stared deep into her glassy eyes. "Oh miahne.." he said embarrassed, letting go. "Don't be" Jiyoung says skipping back to the balcony. Taehyung turns around to face the fallen angel in front of him, she shone more than the sun in his eyes. he slowly walked over and stood next to her. "Jiyoung-ah.." he said quietly "yeah what?" she says not turning around and just admiring the pretty view. Taehyung grabs Jiyoung's hands and holds them in his, this caught her by surprise so she just stared into his dark, mysterious eyes. The atmosphere around them suddenly got warmer as Taehyung brought his face closer and closer to Jiyoung's. She only stared with wide eyes as he connected his soft lips onto hers. Jiyoung was 100% shocked and her eyes were just wide, she stared at the boy in front of her and finally let Taehyung access. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy it since she hasn't felt this feeling in so long. To Jiyoung's surprise Taehyung was surprisingly good, he held onto her hands tight and let his tongue do the rest of the work.

When he stopped, Jiyoung opened her eyes slowly and stared into those melted chocolate eyes. "Jiyoung-ah.." Taehyung said, flushing a bright shade of pink. "I..I like you...a lot."

A Heart for A HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ