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Taehyung got discharged the very next day and the first thing he did was visit Jiyoung. He carried a bouquet of roses and stopped when he approached her grave. It was made out of black marble with golden engravings, a photo of her and lots of flowers. Tears dropped onto the cold concrete since Taehyung could no longer contain himself. He felt so hurt, how could she just leave him like that? Taehyung slowly took out the red envelope the doctors had given him. It was wrapped around with a gold ribbon and had "my beautiful alien" written in the most beautiful handwriting. He cried as he slowly unwrapped the ribbon, careful not to get a single tear onto the frail paper. He took out a folded paper which he unfolded and inside was a letter written by his rose:

Dear Taehyung

My love, I am watching you as you stand in front of me, you look so well and healthy. I am so glad the surgery went well, I am so happy to see you standing so tall, I just want to hug you and embrace you. I wish I could've kissed you one last time, I wish I could've just felt your tender lips just one more time.
But that's all in past, please don't be mad at me for deciding so irrationally..
I want to write to thank you about many things..
thank you for being there
when no else was there..
thank you for opening me up
thank you for showing me the best in me
thank you for being so good to me
and thank you so much for teaching me how to love again.
By your teachings I have taken action and I have no regrets my love.
My angel, please take care, please look after yourself, please eat well and always be healthy, never stop smiling because every time I saw you without a smile, my world was in shatters.
My love, please don't swoon over me, you will find someone else, someone else who you will love and they'll love you. Someone to take care of you like I did, someone to look after you like I did, someone to always be there and someone who will never stop thinking about you.
My love take care, if you've read it this far I'm already so happy, you made mornings worth waking up to
Tomorrows worth looking forward to
you made me love dreaming
because I only dreamt about you
you made me love thinking
I only thought of you
You made my life worth living and I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much
for teaching me how to love again.

- Your Jiyoung

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