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It's been a few days into the break and Jiyoung has spent it entirely at home. A few texts from Taehyung here and there but he's been busy with something not to be able to see her. Areum hasn't even texted her once. Maybe she was still upset from what had happened at school. She went on her phone to text Areum.
"Hey, I'm really bored do u wanna meet up later or smth?"
After at least 2 hours came her reply:
"Yeah why not, I have nothing better to do anyway, meet at Peppers?"
"Done I'm on my way :))"
She shut off her phone and went to get ready.

She managed to leave the house in about 20 minutes, she walked out of her street but stopped in front of Taehyung's house. She just glanced over at the still house, but she managed to turn away and keep going. She clenched her bag and wondered what he must be doing or if he was okay, but she wasn't one of those "possessive people" in a relationship so she tried to shake it out of her mind.
She managed to catch her bus right on time, if she loitered any longer she would've been so late.
The bus stopped about 5 minutes away from her destination. Soon she managed to arrive and found Areum sitting outside. "Hey what's up?" Jiyoung greeted taking a seat. "Nothing, I literally haven't left the house since school ended so this is nice" Areum replied showing a little smile. "I know you like matcha so I got you a matcha latte, hope it's okay?" Areum said "oh yeah it's fine thanks" Jiyoung awkwardly replied. There was a slight silence between them until their drinks arrived. "Hey uhm you seemed kinda sad on the last day, is it because of what those idiots said on the last day?" Jiyoung started, leaning over to Areum. She let out a deep breath and faced her "I know it's a stupid thing to be upset about it and I'm so sorry, but I just really like getting together and no one has really turned me down like that so I guess I'm not used to it..thank you for asking Jiyoung" she replied her face litting up. Suddenly it didn't feel awkward anymore, as if the clouds cleared the sky and the sun shone down. The two of them started catching up and talked about whatever girls would talk about.
It was really nice, the two of them enjoyed it a lot even though it was nothing but a small get together. Areum managed to go back to her chirpy self and Jiyoung managed to stop worrying about Taehyung. Not that she hated thinking about him, but after a long time her shoulders felt a little lighter as she had forgotten about all her problems. They spent nearly the whole day sitting on the same chairs in the same cafe. Lots of people have gone and come but time flew by for the 2 girls who were so caught up in their chit chat.
"Oh my god, when did it get dark??" Jiyoung suddenly interrupted looking around her. The streets of Seoul had brightly lit up with pretty lamps and the little corner stores. It was a warm night so many people were out. "Ahh how annoying, I was having a great time too" Areum said standing up. "What your leaving??" Jiyoung said in shock, "yeah, I'm probably gonna be hearing a earful from my parents already" she laughed and so did Jiyoung.
"It was so nice catching up, I didn't even realise the time"
"We should do this later again yeah?"
The 2 of them hugged and said their goodbyes before separating ways.
The night was warm and alive, it'd be a shame to go back home and spend it in her room. There was a fountain nearby, so Jiyoung sat down on the edge, putting in her earphones and just taking in the fresh, crisp air.
Suddenly she got a text and to her surprise it was from Taehyung: "hurry home" was all it said. Jiyoung suddenly felt very shocked. What does he mean hurry home? Which home? Right now? Did something happen to him? Questions ran through her head faster than Taehyung did and her stress levels went up. It was such a simple, emotionless text that probably didn't anything but it sent Jiyoung into full panic mode. Grabbing her things she ran to Taehyung's place.

Completely out of breath and a little steady, Jiyoung stopped in front of his door trying to regain her breath, then she started banging on the door

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