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The walk home was amazing, Jiyoung hung her head low, her sweeping hair covered her face, but beneath it all she smiled the biggest smile after a very long time. It wasn't a fake smile either, it was completely real, she'd never felt so happy before. She arrived at her doorstep and unlocked her doors, she threw of her shoes and collapsed on the couch, cuddling her favourite marshmallow cushion. She was smiling like a 5 year old girl who received their first kiss and couldn't help but squeal. Jiyoung's old self was slowly coming out of its cage, her ice heart was slowly warming up, the beautiful black rose started seeing the wonders of the warm sun. "I'm glad I've talked to someone, never though it would be the alien, I feel so weird now, it'll be so so weird if I start acting all happy at school" Jiyoung pushed the pillow right onto her face. After a few minutes she decided to go upstairs and change into her pyjamas, her plan for the rest of the night was to eat ramen, ice-cream and chocolate and watch dramas.

As she came downstairs, she tied her hair into a messy bun, slipped on her cute bunny slippers and headed into the kitchen. She quickly microwaved some instant noodles, grabbed chocolate and ice-cream out of the freezer and got comfy as she turned on the tv. She watched until 12:02 am and she was just too tired to watch anymore, she turned off the tv, left her mess and went upstairs.

The next morning was completely normal, Jiyoung had lost that happy vibe and dragged herself out of bed to get changed. "Guess its only a short moment thing" she said to herself. She headed downstairs, made herself some quick sandwiches and headed out for school. "Yes its friday" she said in delight as she locked the door. "Good morning halmeoni Hyo" Jiyoung waved to the elderly woman who was watering her roses. As she walked only one thing was on her mind "Its going to be so weird when I see him today...I...I can't believe this... why did I say everything? Everything just spilled and I was so..vulnerable.. he really took it to his advantage that lil alien.." Jiyoung sighed as her pace got slower, she really didn't want to go to school, she didn't want to see Taehyung. Over time she finally arrived at school, she looked around desperately hoping not to see Taehyung, she made her way to her homeroom, the halls were empty. "Woah i'm early today" Jiyoung arrived at the front of her class and opened the door, her mouth only dropped to see Taehyung sitting in his usual spot alone. "Good morning Jiyoung-ah" he says very comfortably, Jiyoung doesn't know how to react, she only pouts and walks to the desk behind him trying to be her old, mean self. She only crossed her arms and looked away. "Jiyoung are you ok from yesterday? I decided to bring it up since theres no one here right now so.." he said with an awkward smile. "Look Taehyung I was just a little emotional ok? I'm human too..." Jiyoung looked down at her desk feeling extremely small. She felt a warm nad on her shoulder "don't worry ok you shouldn't feel embarrassed, your human it's never wrong for someone as cold as you to cry sometimes" "Yahh you idiot!" Jiyoung raged and slapped away Taehyung's arm "ahaha mianhe" Jiyoung glared at him, but it soon turned into a playful smile "why are you so formal with me huh?" Taehyung came forward and held Jiyoung's hand, surprisingly she didn't flinch, glare or kill him, they only started into the deep of each others eyes. "Jiyoung I really think we'd make great friends, your an amazing person yourself so if you opened up, you'll have so many friends. You know this already, but so many people idolise you, they'd be more than happy to be your friend" Jiyoung only looked down at Taehyung's words and tears steamed down her cheeks "Friends, they say they're always there for you, but in reality they only use you for their own needs, they just trash you straight after." she quickly covered up her face with her hands breathing heavily "I don't know what happened in the past" Taehyung started, he gently grabbed Jiyoung's wrists and put them down "I don't want to know either, but its always nice to make a fresh start, I can assure you I wont harm or let anyone harm you, i'm not asking for much, please let us be friends and I can show you the real joy of having friends" he moved his hand and placed it on Jiyoung's warm cheek which immediately turned a a light shade of pink, she looked into Taehyung's eyes and poured in every little drop of hope and trust into him. "ok."

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