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"J-jiyoung-shi?!" The doctor was taken aback. "I don't care what I have to do, I'll do it, it's just I want to spend more time with him..how long can I have?"
After doing some simple calculations of how long Taehyung has, how long it'll take for blood tests and the actual heart surgery itself the nurse finally decided on hour.
"How scary.. the fact I know it's gonna be my last hour with him...anyway can I please go to him?."
The doctor took Jiyoung into Taehyung's room and when she saw him, her heart wrenched even more. He lay peacefully on the white hospital bed, wearing the white hospital clothes with an oxygen mask and many tubes taking blood from his wrists. She took a seat next to him and held his hand tight. "Alien.." she muttered holding the back of his hand against her cold cheek. The doctor had left them alone to go fetch the paperworks.
Jiyoung stared at his calm face, his eyes were closed but beautiful. He looked like a peaceful, sleeping angel that was more beautiful and mesmerising than the clouds in the sky. "Mean, mean, mean!" Jiyoung yelled as she gently punched his sides. "You're so freakin mean! You just had to decide to tell me this now after such an amazing birthday? Did you not even think of me once?! You're so stupid.. I hate you so much.." Jiyounh cried as she rested her head on the edge of the hospital bed.
An hour went by in a click and the doctor knocked at the door. "Jiyoung-shi..it's time.." Jiyoung sighed and stood up, but her fingers still intertwined with his. Jiyoung's tears dropped onto the hospital bed one by one. Her feet felt heavy and she just couldn't seem to move away from him, she just couldn't bare to.. it's like tearing half her heart away from her as she breathed.
"Goodbye my love." she said as the doctors took her away.

They talked her through the procedure and before signing her last signature, the doctor stopped her. "Are you sure about this?" Jiyoung only smiled and signed the papers "I've never been so sure in my life."

After conducting the blood tests, they all came out perfect, her heart was perfect for him. Finally they took her into the operating room, Jiyoung's heart beat faster and faster but she didn't care. As she lay down, the anaesthetist prepared to put the mask over her "you are doing a great thing love, take care." She said as she put over the mask.
Jiyoung inhaled her last breath and slowly, slowly so very slowly everything turned blurry, then hazy and finally
completely dark.

A Heart for A HeartWhere stories live. Discover now