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There was a slight silence
between the two as a breeze swept past and only the swaying branches of the trees around them could be heard. "I was born in Australia and I lived there happily with my family, I went to school and had lots of friends..everything was just wonderful" Jiyoung said and a smile formed on her face. "Holy shit your smiling" Taehyung exclaimed staring at the warm, black rose. "Why are you talking so informally with me huh?" Jiyoung said as she gently punched Taehyung in the knee, "Yah it's just i'm witnessing such a rare moment, let me enjoy it" he said lying down on the grass "well as I was saying I had to move to Korea 5 months ago because of an incident...". Jiyoung stopped and the smile disappeared from her face, "I met this guy, he was a few years older than me and honestly I thought I had met 'the one', I cringe at myself now to be honest, I can't believe I was so weak, so disgusting to fall just because of this revolting thing between 2 people called love." Taehyung was listening very carefully his eyes fixed on the black rose in front of him "I introduced him to my family and they were pretty chill and we dated for about 1 and a 1/2 years and honestly my family loved him and to be honest I don't even know how it turned from this" "What happened?" Taehyung asked in curiously. Jiyoung sighed deeply and continued "we were out on a date and it was night, everything was normal I mean we ordered pizza and got drinks and went to eat at a park, but turns out my drink was drugged and I was knocked out cold" Taehyung stood up, his eyes were wide in shock "yep I was drugged and I think I woke up half an hour later in front of my house, when I went in you know what I saw?" Taehyung only shook his head "I went into the living room and I turned on the lights and there lay my parents and my older brother dead" Taehyung clamped his hands over his mouth at Jiyoung's sudden words "what do you mean dead?" "What else could I mean alien? They were murdered, they were stabbed oh shit the amount of blood I saw sprawled over my mom's favourite carpet, I remember that she'd never let me and my brother eat ice-cream in the living room because it would melt..and spill...and we'd get in trouble, but me and my brother would just laugh...ah the good times" "I was in shock, my whole world stopped and so did my heart for a few seconds, I had never cried or screamed so loud and it turns out that my ex was actually with this gang that tried to steal people's money by killing them, it was pretty stupid honestly. I remember standing in front of the house, sirens were blaring, red and blue flashes blinded my eyes, I held the hand of my neighbour, but they were cold and didn't comfort me at all. My aunt flew from Korea to look after me and luckily took possession of my parents money, I had to leave all my friends, my house, my memories...my family" Jiyoung picked a little dandelion growing near her and twirled it around her fingers, she spun it round and round before picking of the petals one by one "and thats the beautiful past of Ryu Jiyoung" she says before collapsing onto the warm grass and closing her eyes. Taehyung was absolutely dumbfounded and speechless, what was he supposed to say? No amount of sugar-coated words would help this girl forget her past, she didn't deserve to see those horrific moments at a young age. As Jiyoung was lying on the grass soaking up the warm light it was suddenly blocked, she opened 1 eye and saw the upside down face of Taehyung, she only smiled and sat up "Jiyoung i'm really really sorry" he says scratching the back of his head, "why are you sorry its not your fault" he only looked away "I understand why your so cold hearted and honestly i'll never try breaking through to you ever again.. I should leave now i'm sorry you don't ever have to talk to me again" Taehyung stood up, brushed himself, picked up his bag and started making his way out of the, but he felt something grab his hand, he turned around and saw Jiyoung staring right at him and smiling "Taehyung I haven't talked to someone like this in so long, it feels amazing, I've missed it so much. Can I trust you with my feelings?" her smiled glowed like 1000 stars. Taehyung turned around and held her hands "your really pretty when you smile, please do it often" Jiyoung nodded.

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