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Jiyoung stared at him, her eyes as wide as dinner plates. "What do you mean leaving...?" She asked with a shaken voice.
Taehyung could only sigh and look away, for a little while the 2 sat in complete silence. Jiyoung looked down at the grass, her brain trying to process what Taehyung just said and waited for her emotions to catch up.
Finally they did.
Jiyoung grabbed Taehyung's shoulders and started shaking them, tears welling up in her eyes. "Taehyung don't just sit there with you're back turned on me!!" She cried and forced him to turn around. She saw his cheeks, the tears streamed down, his eyes lost all colours and his skin seemed pale. "Taehyung.." Jiyoung cried, she brought him closer and hugged him with all her heart. He cried onto her frail little shoulder and Jiyoung gently stroked his hair.
Suddenly, out of nowhere Taehyung shaked and let out a grunt. Jiyoung felt his hand move up and clutch his chest slightly. Jiyoung immediately pushed him away and looked at him. His face showed only pain as he clutched his test tightly, he let out deep moans and pants and strained to not let the pain go any further. "Taehyung! Oh my god Taehyung.." This was too much for Jiyoung she didn't know what to do, her brain suddenly stopped functioning out of shock. She yelled his name and held him, suddenly her senses kicked back in and she reached for her phone to dial 911.
After struggling to speak into the phone, she managed to tell them where they were and they had sent an ambulance on their way. Jiyoung threw the phone and clutched Taehyung tightly. "Taehyung.. hold on please, they'll be here, they'll be here.." she wailed.

A short while later Jiyoung heard the sirens and turned her head immediately to face the flashing red and blue lights. They sent up a stretcher and loaded Taehyung onto it.

A little while later, Jiyoung sat alone in a dimly lit waiting room, completely spaced out. Her eyes were red and puffy and only emptiness filled her mind.
"Jiyoung-shi" she heard a voice in the background mumble
"Jiyoung-Shi" but honestly she didn't care.
Suddenly she felt a arm on her shoulder shake her, it immediately broke her trance and she looked at the doctor with her blood shot eyes.
"Jiyoung-shi has Taehyung-shi never told you about himself?"
Jiyoung only looked down at the cold, concrete floor "i thought he did, every last bit about himself, I guess I was wrong." Her eyes had lost all the sparkle and hope.
The doctor took a seat next to her and rubbed her shoulder gently. "Then I'll have to tell you, Taehyung-shi actually has a incredibly rare heart condition." Those very words broke every corner of Jiyoung. Her ears rang as if someone had shattered 1000 mirrors all at once. Her insides hurt and her heart felt heavy. She started screaming and crying her eyes out. The doctor tried comforting her, but what use would it be?
After a while Jiyoung finally managed to calm down but her heart hurt more than all the pain she has faced in her life combined. She felt dizzy and her head throbbed.
"Jiyoung-Shi I know it's extremely hard.. Taehyung-Shi hasn't received the proper treatment required when he was extremely young, but now there was nothing we could do for him except keep him healthy until his time came."
"Is he still alive..?" Jiyoung shakily said.
"Yes, but there isn't much time left.."
"Is there no possible way to save him..? Doctor I beg of you.."
"There is one, a heart donor"
Jiyoung opened her eyes wide and she was all ears.
"We have been looking for a heart donor for years now, but who would calmly donate a heart for a stranger?"
"What are the blood requirements?" Jiyoung asked out of sincerity.
"Taehyung-Shi is an AB"
Without any thought or hesitation, Jiyoung held out her wrists.
"I'll do it."

A Heart for A HeartWhere stories live. Discover now