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About a 20 minute drive, they had left the busy city and drove closer into nature. Taehyung parked right near a lake and as Jiyoung got out she saw the the moon's reflection glisten in the shimmery lake. It certainly was a sight too see. She felt a arm around her hip, she looked up and Taehyung whispered into her ear "close your eyes". Trusting him, she did so and held his hand as he led her somewhere. As they walked Jiyoung started to feel slightly warmer with each small step. Then Taehyung told her to open her eyes and as soon as she did her jaws dropped straight down. They were near a big oak tree and its trunk was decorated with beautiful fairy lights and beneath it all was a small table for 2. There was a beautiful candlelabra in the middle and rose petals scattered the surface. Jiyoung brought her hands up to her mouth, covering her shocked expression. Tears started forming in her eyes. Taehyung walked in front of her "do you like it?" He asked shyly. Jiyoung really was speechless "I..I don't like it.." she managed to say. Taehyung was kinda shocked at her words and he held his head down.
"You stupid alien, I freakin love it!" She yelled and before Taehyung could look up, she ran into his arms and hugged him as tight as he could. "Happy birthday princess" he said and Jiyoung immediately faced him. "How did you know?? I didn't tell anyone.." Taehyung only smirked at her shocked expression because it was exactly what he wanted. "I have my ways" he chirped. "Now come sit, we don't want the food getting cold" he pulled out a chair and gestured her to sit down. Taehyung pulled up the lids and it was wagyu beef steak. "Oh my god where did you even?" She said in amazement. "Once again, my secret~" he cooed and pinched her cheek.
They sat down, ate and talked.
Afterwards Taehyung cleared the dishes and Jiyoung walked around admiring the lake and the moon. Then suddenly she heard classical music play and turned in the direction. It was one of her favourite pieces too, she always listened to it. Taehyung came out from the car and took her hand, "you know how to dance right?" He asked cheekily. "No, but I'll get the hang of it." Jiyoung smiled. They moved along to the piano, hand in hand. Sometimes he'd spin her and her dress would sparkle in the moonlight. Taehyung only looked at her, the way she moved, the way she smiled the way she just glowed. He was immersed in her beauty. His little black rose bud had finally opened up and was enticing as ever. He pulled her in and their eyes met, a glisten ran over their eyes. She stared into his dark brown eyes, they shone as if the entire galaxy filled them. She pulled him in for a hug, she wanted to cry as he rested on his chest and listened to his rhythmic heartbeat. She got so lucky, so so lucky and she would be eternally grateful. Taehyung brought her in for a passionate kiss and it was probably one of their best. He slowly moved down to her neck, since the dress left it exposed and left the most feather-like kisses. Jiyoung held his hair and breathed heavily his little kisses slowly turned into longer sucks. "T-Taehyung.." she whimpered. She flinched as his hands traveled down her back and around her waist, but suddenly he stopped.
"Let's continue this at home" Taehyung whispered in his seductive deep voice.

The ride home seemed so long and wanting, but they didn't waste any time when they got home. Taehyung pushed Jiyoung up against the wall and connected their lips instantly, this time a little more rough. Jiyoung didn't mind, in fact she wanted more, she held his hair again, as he moved down to her neck and swirled his tongue around in spots. He was becoming impatient and as he distracted her, he quickly unzipped her dress. The dress, now loose exposed her pale shoulders and Taehyung only made his way down to her shoulders. Jiyoung was getting impatient too, "T-Taehyung-ah.." as if they had some sort of telepathy going on, he picked her up and kissed her again taking her into the nearest bedroom and that night they explored each other to their hearts content.

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