Chapter 2: The Fight part 1

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Marcella's POV

College is a lot of work and it can be very stressful but only Julia and Connor understand cause Connor had just recently graduated college and Julia is a sophomore in College just like me but the rest of the boys didn't go to college so they don't understand especially Jai. I was trying to study for an exam I have coming up soon in English class but the one and only Jai Brooks kept coming into my room complaining about how "bored" he is. Like we live with 7 other people his girlfriend lives about 10 minutes away and just the fact that we live in California so how the fuck is he bored? I asked him that very question and he replied with a dumb answer. " I don't know Marcella I just wanna hangout with you cause you've been really distant lately and I don't like it." I don't even know what he meant by that but he was getting on my nerves. "Fuck off Jai I don't have time for you or anyone else at the moment so go bother someone else with your bullshit honestly I'm very stressed out I feel like I'm going to explode so just get  out of my room!"  I was crying at that point and I had lost my voice because I was basically screaming at Jai and I guess everyone in the house heard cause all 7 of them had rushed up to my room so see what had happened. Jai just sat there looking so heartbroken because I never normally snap at him like that. I felt so bad I wanted to say sorry but just as I was about he to apologize he had said something that does not deserve an apology from me. "Marcella why would you snap like that bitch?  You been such a shitty person lately being all moody and bitchy and I hate it which is slowly making me hate you gosh sometimes I wish I never met you!" After that I couldn't say anything the tears were no longer coming out I just sat there speechless.

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