Chapter 9: not so innocent Ari

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Marcella's POV:

So I'm just sitting watching some of Joe suggs YouTube videos when my phone vibrates. I got sent a video from an unknown number. I opened and watched the video. Oh shit. No no no. It's a video of Ariana making out with another guy. I think I need to tell someone. I haven't talked to jai in like 2 weeks. Ugh. Why would they send this shit to me? Why not to like his brothers? Or even James or Daniel? I need to find Julia. I doubt she would know about Ariana like they barley talk anymore. I know it's weird cause I'm close with my sister but my sister like everyone is friends with her. "JULIA GRANDE GET YOUR ASS TO THE KITCHEN RIGHT NOW!" "What could you possibly want Marcella?" "Look at this video." I saw her reaction. Fuck she looked mad. "I'm going to fucking kill her I can't believe she would do this she's no longer my sister I care more about jai than I do about her!" "Julia what do we do?" "Fuck how am I supposed to know?" We couldn't think of anything. Then Beau and James walk in. Guess I'll tell them. I showed them the video. They had nearly the same reaction as Julia did. "I'm going to kill her she just cheated on my little brother that little slut." Wise words by Beau Peter Brooks. "Why the hell would she do that? She seemed so sweet." James is too nice to call anyone a slut unless it's Luke. "Guys." They weren't listening. "Guys!" That got their attention. "Ok so I think we have to tell jai I don't wanna do it though. James I think you should do it." James looked at me like I was crazy I mean I am but still. "Marcella why do I have to fucking do it?" He's such an idiot. "Um well James he knows that you didn't exactly hate her so he won't think you're lying. Like if I told him then he would scream and I don't want to deal with his bullshit and anger issues." He just nodded his head in agreement. "Ugh fine wish me luck hoes." "GOODLUCK BITCH!" More wise words by Beau Peter Brooks.

James's POV

Time to break the news to Jai. I hate Beau, Julia, and especially Marcella for making me do this. Shit. I don't want to but I know that I need to. *knock knock "Who is it?" Jai asked. I could barely speak. "It's James can I come in?" "Yeah mate what's up?" It's about to go down. (Quoting Kevin Hart) "Uh it's about Ariana." "What James is something wrong with her?!" "Well let me just show you." He looked confused until I showed him the video. He didn't say anything. Oh fuck. I'm scared. Then tears started forming in his eyes. "Why would she do this to me? I thought she loved me? We've been dating for like a year did that mean nothing to her?!" He has a point. He broke down. Usually it's funny when he gets mad cause normally it's when we prank h in or he loses in Fifa but this wasn't funny this shut was serious.

Jai's POV
I'm done being angry now I'm just depressed. I went to Ariana's house to hear the explanation behind the video. It was all true. She kissed another guy and apparently they've had a thing going on for about a month. I'm broken and I don't think anyone or anything can fix the pieces. At times like this is when I needed Marcella the most. I need to fix our friendship I miss her like crazy. Just as I was thinking that she walks in. "Jai I heard what had happened with you and Ariana I'm sorry." She sounded shy and nervous I don't know why. "Thanks, I don't know why she would do that to me but fuck her I don't need her anymore." Marcella was about to walk out of the room but then I remembered that I wanted to apologize "wait Marcella!" She turns around looking scared. " I wanted to apologize for everything that happened in these last few weeks between you and I. I need you back to be my best friend again especially when I'm broken."

Marcella's POV

I couldn't believe it. Jai just apologized. He looked like meant it too. I felt the need to apologize too. ,"It's alright Jai I forgive you but I wanna apologize too I'm sorry I know I was distant and bitchy but it wasn't directed towards you." He smiled. "It's alright babe." Oh the butterflies. I don't think it's butterflies anymore I think I'm just hungry. "Jai wanna go to maccas? (McDonald's)" He smiled again. "Yes I'm starving let's go. Oh and by the way Marcella I'm paying for the both of us." He's so sweet when he wants to be.

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