Chapter 13: The Battle of the Brooks part 2

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Marcella's POV

Ever since I went on that picnic with Luke all 3 Brooks brothers including Luke have been acting weird. I don't know why. I don't even know how to explain it but I know something is up. I needed to talk to Julia. Julia and I haven't been close lately cause she's been out partying a lot but she's home now. "Hey Julia do you notice anything weird with Beau, Jai, and Luke?" "You know now that you've mentioned it I have noticed something like they've been extra nice to you plus they've been like weird towards each other and getting pissy with each other." I have to figure out what's going on.

Jai's POV

Luke and I were just chilling playing Fifa when Beau comes in with a serious look on his face. "Guys I have to tell you something." I was scared for a second. " I think I have feelings for Marcella." Fuck. I was going to say something but then I remember that I'm not her boyfriend. Even though I wish I was. Fuck it I'll just tell them that I like her too. "Well Beau I got news for you I think I have feelings for her too." Then Luke stood up. "Well my brothers I have feelings for her too." This could not get any worse. "Well Luke and Jai may the best brother win." Beau thinks he's going to get her that cocky son of a bitch. He's not going to and neither is Luke. She'll be my girlfriend. They walked out of the room since it was awkward. I just stayed in the room and just went on my phone. I walked into the kitchen when I caught Beau making out with Marcella I wanted to kill him but I have no reason to. Instead I just threw a pen I found on the counter at them and yelled "PDA YOU CUNTS GO GET A ROOM." I'm such a child. They just looked at me and Marcella rolled her eyes and continued making out with Beau. Then Beau opened his eyes and winked at me just rubbing it in that he's making out with her. I would go talk to Luke but he's in this too. So that would be a bad idea. Oh I'll just go talk to Connor. "Connor so um me, Beau, and Luke all have feelings for Marcella so now we aren't really talking and I walked in on Beau and Marcella making out in the kitchen and I got so jealous and Beau was just rubbing it in ugh I hate this. I just want her to be my girlfriend." He was laughing like his face was red. Then he calmed . " Jai go get your girl. Like who cares about Luke and Beau at this point." "Connor I can't just do that." "Fine just go let Beau or Luke take her from you and then you end up either miserable or depressed or even both." He's right I can't let my brothers win I have to win. "Thanks Connor I owe you."
"No problem Jai and if you wanna pay me back then go make me a cup of coffee." "Ugh fine." I made him his coffee and he was satisfied. I can always talk to Connor he gives great advice. He's always right.

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