Chapter 12: The Battle of the Brooks Part 1

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Marcella's POV

I needed to find Luke. I don't why i just did. I was walking into the kitchen and I found him there but he didn't notice me so I jumped on his back. He screamed. "Fuck Marcella why the hell would you scare me like that?" I couldn't stop laughing Luke is so cute when he's mad because he's like a little kid. "I don't know I'm just bored ugh Luke can you make me a sandwich and then we watch something on Netflix?" He just looked at me then laughed. "Marcella don't be so lazy make your own sandwich." "But Luke don't you love me?" I did my puppy face and I kept playing with his hands. He gave in. "Fine I'll make you a Sandwich but instead of us watching something on Netflix while eating lets go on a picnic instead so go get ready." I agreed. Normally i wouldn't have agreed because I hate the outdoors but, picnics with Luke are always fun. I finished getting dressed I had on a dirty pig crop top and some high-waisted shots pairing with some white converse and a navy bow while my hair was in a french braid. I did my makeup lightly just some powder and some mascara and eyeliner. I walked out of my room and I ran into Beau. He twirled me around and said "Hey beautiful where are you going on this fine day?" "Well Beau as a matter of fact I'm going on a picnic with Luke." His smile sort of disappeared. "Oh have fun." Was all that he said. Ok weird.

Beau's POV

I felt a hint of jealousy when she said that she was going on a picnic with Luke. I don't know why I'd be jealous because she goes on picnics with Luke all of the time and I'm not her boyfriend she doesn't have one. She looked so pretty today I mean she always does she doesn't even have to try. I think I like her. I want her to know that I would love for her to be mine.

Luke's POV

I was setting up the picnic basket and Marcella walks downstairs and oh my does she look gorgeous. I can't wait for this picnic. I really do like Marcella she's sweet, funny, and just a fun person in general I would ask her to my girlfriend but I'm afraid she'll reject me. I mean I still get to have sex with her cause we're friends with benefits so that's good but I would love for her to be mine and that we could have a relationship other than sex.

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