Chapter 35: Pain

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Luke's POV

Why do I hear screaming? I checked my phone to see what time it was. It's 5am. I hear someone screaming my name. I open up my door. Jai and Connor woke up too. Damn it it's Marcella. I open her door to see her screaming my name in her sleep and she's crying but she can't wake up.

Marcella's POV

The dream:

"Luke let's play football in the front." "Okay I'll get the ball." He brings out the football but American football. "Damn it Luke sorry I meant soccer I just got used to saying football in England." He laughed and went to grab the football/soccer ball. He kicked it so me and I picked it up to punt it. I punted it and it went into the street. "I'll get it." I said. I went to go get it as a car was speeding down. I felt myself being pushed out of the road. I looked back. Luke was on the floor. He saved me and got hit by the car. Blood was everywhere. "Luke! Luke! Please don't die. You're too young you're 21! If you die then I'll die too. I love you I don't want to lose you." Jai comes running outside. "What the hell happened?" "Look for yourself." He looked at Luke then breaks down. He drove to the hospital the doctor came and told us that Luke didn't make it. "It's all my fault Jai it should've been me!"

Dream over.

Luke's POV

Okay now she is freaking me out she's screaming "it should have been me". Jai and Connor looked worried too. "Luke wake her up!" Jai said panicking. I nodded my head and tried to calm her down and wake her up. "Marcella please calm down it's just a dream." Her eyes opened. She was crying as soon as she saw me. "Luke never leave me please." "I won't leave you babe I promise." I gave Connor and Jai a look for them to leave she didn't even notice that they were in the room. She fell asleep 10 minutes after I finally got her to calm down.

Marcella's POV

I woke up. I checked the time. It was 10am. Luke was awake just staring at me. Weirdo. But he's hot so it's okay. We said our good mornings and he pecked me on the lips. My head hurt. I was confused on why Luke was in my bed. "Luke why are you here?" "You don't remember what happened at 5am?" "Nope." I said popping the P.
"Babe you were having a terrible nightmare and started screaming my name and other creepy shit." It sounded bad. I hate having everyone so worried about me but I guess they care. I wonder why I was screaming his name. (Lol that sounds dirty). I climbed out of bed. My head and throat really hurt. I couldn't really talk or think. I grabbed my phone and used a voice thing to communicate. You just type in the words and hit speak. Then it speaks it. "Luke I can't talk right now my throat and head really hurt but can you carry me?" "I" said. He nodded his head while laughing. I'm glad my pain is amusing him. We got downstairs he placed me down on the couch and then went into the kitching. Damn it I didn't tell him what food I wanted. I just sat there. 10 minutes later he came back. Holding 2 plates in his hand. It was slice of cake. He handed one to me. I grabbed my phone a typed "aww lukey thanks!" I switched the accent to Australian thinking i was funny. It was a guy though. "You sound like a pretty hot Australian guy like even hotter than me." I started laughing but it hurt to laugh. I heard footsteps. It was Jai and Beau. Jai sees me and runs to me hugging me and not letting me go. I grab my phone and type "good morning now please get off of me." He looked confused. "What was that? Why aren't you like talking?" I began to type but Luke beat me to it. "Her throat and head hurt from what happened this morning. She doesn't remember it though." "That's good that you don't remember I was so scared this morning when you were screaming and rolling around crying. You even fell off of  your bed and we had to put you back." I found that funny but I guess they didn't. "Where's Beau?" I asked. He pointed to the kitchen. I stood up. It hurt but I walked all the way there to go talk to Beau. "Beau can we go out later and get some milkshakes?" "Um why do you sound like an Australian male?" "My throat and head hurt." "Oh yeah Jai told me what happened this morning." "Doesn't matter I don't even remember it." I hugged him. I don't know why I just did. Then he kissed me. I kissed him back. No I was in the mood for kissing Luke right now not Beau. I mean I love Beau just I'm having a craving for Luke. I walked back into the living room and grabbed Luke trying to pull him off the couch. I noticed James and Troye were there too. I typed "hey guys. Now Luke please get up I need to talk to you." He quickly got up probably thinking it's an emergency. Well for me it was. I pulled him where there was no one. Our house has these weird spaces and rooms that we don't know what to do with them. "So Marcella what'd you need me for?" "This" I typed. Then I kiss him. He kissed me back. I've been wanting those lips there's just something about those damn lips. He's such a good kisser. He lifts me up my legs wrapped around him as we still are kissing.he brings me up. I sit on him and we're making out at that point. Then he removed his shirt. I told him that it was too early in the morning for sex and that everyone was in the house. We continued to make out. It was great. Then I felt something. Cramps. Great I have my period too.

Luke's POV

She stopped. She gets off of me and just walks out the room without saying a word. Or I guess typing a word. I heard her door close. I open her door to see her lying on her bed. "Um are you okay?" She grabbed her phone typing. "No I'm on my fucking period." I got used to this her and Julia are really honest when it comes to this stuff. She chucked a pillow at me. Oh great her mood swings. "Do you want anything?" "Yes Advil, water, and icecream. And oh get Julia please." I went to grab what she told me to and I ran into Julia. "Oh Marcella wants you in the room she's like on her period. Also she can't really talk. Long story let's just say she doesn't remember what happened."  "Luke what the hell are talking about she doesn't remember what happened?"  "Well this morning she had a nightmare about me and started screaming my name and shit and she doesn't remember doing that but Connor, Jai, and I were there."  She nodded her head and went straight to Marcella's room.

Julia's POV

"Girl are you okay?" I asked Marcella who sat there because she really couldn't do anything. She grabbed her phone and started typing. Her phone spoke. "Yes I guess I could be better but I am doing okay considering the situation." I laughed at the fact that it was an Australian guy for the voice. She laughed once she saw that I had my daily laugh attack. Then she started crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked utterly confused. "It hurts to laugh. Like I am in so much pain." She cries more. Then Luke walks in with Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, Advil, and water. "Julia why is she crying?" He whispers to me. "She's in pain now give her the care package." He nodded while giving her what she wanted.

Marcella's POV

I'm in just so much pain. Physically and emotionally. I am such a petty person. I sat there on my bed eating ice cream and watching YouTube videos on my laptop. Julia and Luke were still here. I didn't want to deal with anyone right now. "Can you guys like please get out? I want to be alone." I knew that they didn't trust me alone thinking that I am going to kill myself any day now. That's not what I wanted to do I just want to eat Ice cream and watch videos and sleep in peace. "Get the fuck out I am not suicidal stop worrying so much!" I typed. I watch as they walked out feeling down. I am such a terrible person. Nothing could make me feel better. I hate all of this. I need someone to get rid of all this pain forever.

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