Chapter 39: Romantic Sykes

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Julia's POV

Nathan and I have been hanging out a lot lately. He doesn't need to go to go back to England anytime soon he's on vacation or has he calls it "holiday". He is so cute and funny we've been flirting a lot back and forth with each other. We've had sex at least 5 times so far. He may seem innocent but in reality he's not at all. Don't let that smile fool you. He's a dirty boy. I still love him though. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. I guess this is just a fling? Or maybe he's just waiting for the perfect moment. I guess either option is okay with me. Either way I end up sleeping with him. I don't just use him for sex though. He has such a fun positive personality and the whole world knows the boy can sing. I love how he has such a huge obsession with tea. He drinks it as much as Connor drinks coffee. That's a lot. Speaking of Nathan I heard him calling name as he enters the house. He's renting a house at the moment just a few minutes from here so we're used to him just entering. "Julia darling where are you my love?" "In here loser." I watched as he looked "hurt" and began fake crying. I burst into laughter. He comes over and sits on top of me. "Nath get off you're heavier than you look." I say in between my daily laugh attacks. He giggles while sliding off. "Sorry babe. I am not fat though so stop being so mean." I pecked his lips and apologized for being mean. I watched as he blushed. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to embarrass him.

Nathan's POV

Julia made me blush. She always does. Just like I make her blush. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I want it to be perfect. I know I can't do it on my own. I am going to need serious help. From the two boys who know Julia best. Troye and Connor. I'll talk to them later I am busy cuddling with Julia as we watch a movie and eat some snacks.

Troye's POV

I walked downstairs to go get some food. I don't even know what food we have. I am just so fucking hungry that I will just eat anything. As I opened the freezer I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a smiling Nathan Sykes. "Yes Nathan?" "I need to talk to you and Connor like right now about something very important." "Ugh fine lets all 3 talk in my room but first let me get some food I am hungry and I like just woke up." "Troye it's 1pm and you just woke up?" "I have been on the internet all night and binge watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. It's a daily routine." He shook his head and laughed as if it was a joke. It's not and all of my fans and housemates and family know that. I grabbed some Ice cream and we headed up to my room. I texted Connor to come meet us in my room because we needed to talk. 2 minutes later he showed up knocking on the door. I opened the door to reveal Connor with a fucking condom in his left hand. "Con we aren't gonna have sex right now. Nathan is right here he like needs to talk to the two of us for some reason." I heard Nathan burst in to laughter and I saw a disappointed Connor. "Alright Nathan were both here so what do you want?" I sounded a bit rude even though I didn't mean to. "Well I need your help on the perfect way to ask Julia to be my girlfriend." Connor and I jumped up and got excited at exactly the same time. "Well um we can't talk about this here can we go to your house?" He nodded his head and we headed out the door into the car and somehow ended up at his house. We walked into the house and I expected to see 4 other boys. They never showed. "Nathan don't you live with the other members of The Wanted?" "Yeah I do they are just in our house in London right now and I just didn't want to go back right away. I don't need to anyways we're on break." We sat down in the living room and we discussed on how we were going to help him ask Julia to be his girlfriend. We agreed on a plan but we couldn't just go through with it ourselves so we called everyone in the house to distract her and help us with the plan.


Julia's POV

I was just chilling in my room and I heard a knock on my door. It was Marcella and Connor all dressed up. "Julia have you showered today?" "Yeah why?" "Okay we're gonna help you get dressed." "Um for what?" "Don't ask questions just let us work our magic we aren't allowed to spill." I was confused but I didn't question. They picked out a magenta crop top with a white skater skirt and black flats with little bows on them. Then Connor was being Marcella's assistant handing her the stuff she asked whether it was for makeup or for hair. I didn't know half of the stuff she was saying because I don't really care for beauty products. About an hour later she was finished I looked in the mirror and I looked like a totally different person. I looked amazing. I felt as pretty as Troye's little sister Sage. They took me downstairs to find James in a suit and tie. "James I'm not going on a date with you I love you but not like this." He laughed. "I'm not the one taking you on a date but I feel a little hurt by you saying you that." "Then why the hell are you dressed up and have keys in your hand?" "I am not allowed to reveal that information love I'm just following instructions to take you to a certain destination." "Instruction by who?" "I'm not allowed to say just come with me." I nod my head and just followed him into the car. We arrive to a place that looks like a field but it's all decorated. Then I see Jai and Luke dressed up waiting. "Hello Julia." Luke says as he and Jai help me out of the car. I'm still confused. We walk to a table to see Beau and Skip dressed as waiters. I hear piano playing and behind the piano is Troye. Out of nowhere Nathan pops out singing with a rose in his hand. I feel tears in my eyes. He's singing the piano version of "All of me" by John Legend. He finishes the song and kisses me. "Julia Faith Grande I have loved you since the first time I met you you're so much sweeter than the bitch who is your sister. You make me laugh and smile and there's never a dull moment when I am with you. So I was wondering... would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" I broke down in tears then I made a decision "Yes Nathan I'll be your girlfriend!" He picked me up and kissed me then everyone including Marcella and Connor started applauding. We sat at the table that Nathan had set up and Beau and Skip brought out some champagne, pasta, and some chocolate cake for desert. "Thank you Nathan I'll always remember this because nobody has ever done this for me and loved me this much." A huge smile appeared on his face. This was a perfect night. To top off the night Skip yelled "Nathan as soon as you're done eating I want my fucking 20 bucks mate." I spit my drink everywhere from laughing.

I love these people. Especially Nathan though.

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