Chapter 10: Tronnor

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Connor's POV:

Troye and I told all 7 of our housemates about us. They were all so accepting that's why I love living with them. Like never in a million years would I think I'd be living in a house with 8 other people in California. James's response made me laugh. He was like "Finally like everyone has been shipping Tronnor for so fucking long and that was like before you guys even confirmed that you were gay. But like we all knew that sooner or later that Tronnor would be a thing so congratulations." Now we're just waiting on Baniel to happen. (Beau and Daniel) lol they aren't gay they just do gay stuff. Like all 5 of the janoskians do. They're just very affectionate and have been best friends for years. I'm currently cuddling with Troye in my room we're watching mean girls cause I love that movie. Yeah we're Netflix and chilling except there's no "chilling" involved. At least not yet. "Troye I'm bored cause like the movie just finished so like what do you wanna do?" He smiled but like with an evil look in his eyes which made me nervous. "I know something that we could do Con." He still had that evil look in his then he winks at me. Before I could say anything he kisses me and then starts to take his shirt off. Then he takes mine off. I know I'm 23 years old but I feel like I'm 12 and I don't know anything about sex. Especially with another boy. He doesn't either but he's acting like a pro but he's probably just horny. He's such a hoe but he's my hoe. This is why it's bad for me to be friends with Marcella cause I talk like her. Anyways, yeah I told Troye that he needs to slow down. We kissed again his tongue looking for entrance but I denied access. He tried again and I gave in allowing him to enter. Yeah we all know what happens so I'm going to spare the rest of the details. After we were done he pecked my lips and we fell asleep. That was the best sleep I've had in years cause I barely get any sleep. I love Troye Sivan Mellet so much I promise to never hurt him or let him get away. He's the best thing that's happened to me besides YouTube.

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