Chapter 25: WILD

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Marcella's POV

Tonight was the night of the party I'm only excited because there will be alcohol. Today is also my birthday and the party tonight is for me. I don't really care that It's my birthday. I still have 1 more year till I can legally drink in America. Luke and Jai brought me home from the hospital It's deja-vu like they brought me home last time I was in the hospital except this time I didn't break anything. Just my happiness and soul but who gives a shit about that? Not me. They got me my usual from McDonalds and when we got home I went straight to my room not wanting to talk to anyone. I just wanted to listen to music and eat my food. I was currently blasting my new favorite song "Carry On My Wayward Son" By the band  Kansas. I had my big mac in my mouth when I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I ask. "It's Skip." "What the hell do you want Skip?"  "Let me in I just wanna talk."  "Ugh fine ." I say as I got up from my bed. I open the door to see a sad look on Daniel's face. As soon as he sees me his face lights and he hugs me "Happy Birthday love you're so old now." "Skip I'm not that old I'm only 20 and thank you for wishing me happy birthday but I don't want any of you making such a big deal like you people are already throwing me a party. You guys don't have to do anything for me really because I'm the reason that you were all depressed and angry for 2 months."  He looked upset as soon as I said that. "Don't fucking say that Marcella we need to like spoil you for your birthday and the reason we were so depressed and angry is because we care about you and we thought we were going to lose you but if you want to be a bitch then fine but don't come to me when you're feeling drunk and horny tonight."  "Wasn't planning on it Skip you're such a fucking dick now get the fuck out  of my room!" I just yelled at him. I really need to stop doing that. He looked so sad and just walked back to his room. Beau came in. "Marcella first off all Happy Birthday babe and second, what the hell was that yelling about?" "Just me being a bitch to Skip." He shook his head and went to Daniel's room.


Still Marcella's POV

It's 7pm right now. Beau, James, Luke, Jai, and obviously Daniel were all ignoring me. I didn't care. People were starting arrive and I was starting to drink. The drinks and shots kept coming. Later that night I was drunk as fuck.

Connor's POV

Everyone that live with me besides Troye and Julia are acting very strange and oh Marcella is currently being a hoe at her own party. Right now she's making out with Nash Grier. Nevermind about that shit right now. Troye and I were pretty drunk right now and he's walking towards me with a smile on his face. He walks up and kisses me I kiss him back. He then drags me upstairs and of course my drunken self followed him. "Con I love you." He slurred his words. "Oh Troye I love you too you little fucking noodle." I was also slurring my words. He removed his shirt and then removed mine. We then had sex. I couldn't really feel anything though I was so drunk. He kissed me again, we made out and just fell asleep in each others arms.

Daniel's POV

I'm still emotionally hurt from the fight that I had with Marcella earlier today. Her words really got to me. I went to go grab a drink when I noticed Marcella was making out with Nash. Her and Nash always flirt around and I think that Nash might ask her out even. At least that's what his brother Hayes has told me. It would kill me if she went out with Nash though. I think I sort of like her but I mean all of us guys in the house besides Troye and Connor like her. It was killing me right now just watching her make out with Nash. I grabbed a drink when I felt something wet on my head. I turned around to notice that Marcella had poured a drink on my head. "That's for being a cunt." She was drunk. I could tell. Then she smacked me. "I saw you staring at me making out with Nash gosh didn't I tell you to just fuck off? I wasn't gonna come running to you because I got news for you Daniel Sahyounie I fucking hate you!" At that moment James picks her up probably to take her to her room. What the hell just happened? I don't know if it was that she was drunk but does she really mean that she hates me?

Marcella's POV

I just yelled at Daniel once again I don't know why but I did. Hell, I'm so drunk. As I was yelling at Daniel I felt someone pick me up. I noticed that it was James I tried kicking him to put me down but I quit after I realized that I wouldn't win this fight. He put me in my room and closed the door. He spoke looking pissed "What the hell are you doing Marcella? Haven't you realized that you just mentally and physically hurt Skip today?" "He fucking deserved it James I hate him." He shook his head "Marcella you're drunk go to sleep I don't want to deal with your bullshit right now." "Wait James can you please stay?" "No Marcella fuck off and go to sleep I'll talk to you when you're sober and you stop being such a selfish, rude, bitch." Ouch. James has never snapped at me like that. Then again he's drunk too."James you're fucking drunk too you asshole." He left. I slept. This party was driving everyone wild.

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