Chapter 15: New Boys

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Marcella's POV

I haven't talked to the Brooks brothers in 4 days. They've been trying to talk to me but I really don't want to deal with them. James and Connor have been worried about me because either all I've been doing is either staying in my room listening Lana Del Rey or out just partying and getting drunk. Julia and Troye aren't that worried because they party and get drunk me. Well Daniel is worried about everyone in the house because he's the only one not in a down mood while everyone else is. He's becoming annoying by trying to cheer everyone up. Yesterday I snapped at him and now I feel bad because my little Skippy was just trying to help me feel better and I just snap at him. He just walked out of my room looking sad. I wasn't in the mood to apologize. I'm a terrible person. I'm part of the reason why everyone in the house is in such a bad mood lately. I should move out. For now though I'm going to a club with Julia. Troye isn't coming he's sick at the moment. I hate when Troye can't come because he's the best person possible when he's drunk. He acts drunk when he's sober. He's fun when he's actually drunk too. So what I'm trying to get at is Troye is such a fun person just overall. It's ok though I still have Julia and since It's just us two then that means we can flirt with guys cause Troye is already dating Connor so...

3 Hours later

Still Marcella's POV

We arrived at the club I don't even know the name of it. I needed alcohol oh maybe some vodka shots will do. "Julia lets go get some vodka shots." She nodded in agreement. I felt the vodka burning in my throat but I drank atleast 7. I was drunk by then. So was Julia. We met two boys who looked familiar. Then I heard them talk and the one with the brown hair was british and the tall blonde had a south African accent. They recognized Julia and I quickly. "Oh my gosh Caspar it's little Russett and little Grande!"  Then I remembered who they were. "Oh my gosh Julia It's Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee!" I haven't seen them in a while I remember I met them at Coachella last year I was with Andrea, Jennxpenn, and Julia. They gave me their numbers on the last day of Coachella but I had always forgotten to text them. Oops. I was zoned out but I snapped out of it when Julia yelled "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU GUYS IN FOREVER WHY ARE YOU GUYS IN LA?" Caspar answered  "We just wanted to come because we really don't have a life at the moment."  A while later we were dancing with Caspar and Joe. Julia and Joe were being really flirty and then Caspar and I went to grab some more drinks and we came back to find Joe and Julia making out. At that moment Caspar kissed me. I kissed him back. I don't know if it was the drinks that were taking over. Joe and Caspar came back to our house. Joe went with Julia into her room. They were loud if you know what I mean. Caspar came into my room and we were doing the same thing that Julia and Joe were doing. We forgot to lock the door. Luke and James walked in.

Fuck. My. Life. I'm. So. Dead.

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