Chapter 32: Home

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Marcella's POV

I was in the airport Joe and Caspar are with me. I opened my phone to see loads of texts from all of the Sidemen including Simon and then some from Freya, Calfreezy, Callux, Callux's girlfriend Sarah and some other people. I just put them all in a group chat and told them how I couldn't stay any longer and that I'm going back home. Then I said that to read the note that I had left in Simon's room explaining mainly everything. Oh yeah the note. So I wrote a note saying that I don't know if I will ever forgive Simon for what I did. Maybe I will forgive but I will never forget. I could care less that it was a drunken mistake like control your drinking then he's 23 years old. I said a bunch of other shit. I noticed I was crying because Joe and Caspar kept calling my name asking if I'm ok. "I'm fine." I lied. I won't be fine or ok for a while but I know my housemates will help me. Well they'll probably want to kill Simon first. He's probably going to get killed in England too. I sound bitchy saying this but I live for revenge. Getting revenge on someone is like a talent for me. I then heard my flight being called for boarding. "Well I guess this is goodbye guys thank you so much for everything." That's when they started crying. Joe spoke "Bye you're like a little sister to me and I still can't believe I walked in on you and Caspar having sex. I'll miss you but I will see you soon I love making trips to Cali love you." "Love you too Joe." Then it was Caspar's turn. Boy was he bawling. "Goodbye to my little munchkin. I will miss you and last night was great. I'm glad you got to spend your last night and last day in England with me. Call me when you land." We hugged then he kissed me. This may be the last kiss we have so why not. I boarded the plane. It was going to be a long flight so I put my headphones in and went to sleep.

Connor's POV

Marcella is on the plane right now. Gosh I am so excited. It's so hard to keep this a secret but I will do it. She's been on the plane for about 2 hours so she'll in home in like 9 hours. It's 8am right now so I have to leave the house like at 4.

Marcella's POV

It's 3:30 pm I'm almost home.

30 minutes later

Connor's POV

It's 4pm I have to leave the house. I grabbed my keys then I heard footsteps behind me. It was Troye and Skip. "Con where you going babe?" Troye asked. "I'm just going for a drive I've just been so stressed lately so it's good to just get our for a while." They looked confused then Skip spoke "Well why don't we come with? I'm hungry." Shit. This boy is always hungry but I can't take them Marcella wants it to be a surprise. "Um sorry you have a car go get something. I just wanna be alone for a while. If I don't go alone I might flip out and we wouldn't want that would we?" They shook their heads. Then Troye gave me a hug. "See you later Con drive safely." "I will Tro don't worry." "Bye Connor." "Bye Skip go get some food before you die from not eating every 5 minutes." He laughed. I checked the time it was 4:20 I have to go. I went out the door and pulled out fast. I hated lying to them but they'll understand once they see who I have brought back. 

Skip car ride  

Still Connor's POV

I finally arrived at the airport. I checked the time it's 5:01. She should be here soon. I went to where her gate was. Gosh it's taking forever. I need a Starbucks Grande triple foam latte now. No I have to wait till she gets here because she'll get pissed if I bought coffee without her. I sat down desperate for Coffee. There were some fans there and they asked me for pictures. I couldn't say no. Then I heard a familiar voice yelling my name. I turned around to see Marcella. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. She ran towards me and I picked her up. "Marcella I have missed you so fucking much. Now can we please get Starbucks? I've been waiting for you because you would hate me if I got coffee without you." "AWWW Con you're so sweet I've missed you too we have to hurry I wanna get home."

Marcella's POV

We're in the car heading home. The excitement and suspension was building but I was nervous too. I mean they probably hate me. I have screwed everything up. "Connor I'm scared that everyone will hate me and want me out. I'm surprised you don't hate me." He sighed. "First of all, I could never stay mad at you. Second, the house has been depressing without you. The first 3 days after you left Skip wouldn't eat. The other day Beau had a meltdown in the middle of Panera and Julia well she's been drinking so much. Also James was making holes in his room. Luke has been crying a lot and Jai has been getting into fights with people if he heard that they mentioned anything bad about you." I can't believe I have caused this much pain. I don't deserve to be let back in the house. I don't deserve to have people like me and care for me as much as these 8 people do. I couldn't stop crying. We finally arrived at the house. Connor knocked on the door. I heard the knob turn. I saw who it was. It was Skip. I broke down right there. "Omg I can't believe it's really you Marcella. Come here." He pulled me in for hug and started crying. I couldn't speak I was crying so much. Then I heard Connor yell "All of you into the living room now! I have a surprise for you guys!" I heard them all running down the stairs. It all went silent. I felt 6 pairs of eyes on me. They all came running towards me and hugged me. I faced Julia first. "Marcella please tell me this is real." "Julia it's real you aren't dreaming I came back." I then felt a pain. I could barely breathe. The tears were coming as I fell to the floor. I heard Troye scream "Guys she's having a fucking panic attack!" He tried to help me but I pushed him away. I need Luke and Beau. I whispered "Luke and Beau." Julia heard cause she told them. Then Beau spoke while grabbing my right hand while Luke held the left. "Shhhh it'll  be alright love." I then hugged Luke. I couldn't stop crying. 5 minutes later I had finally calmed down. "Luke can you carry me to the couch and Troye can you make me a peanut butter sandwich?" They nodded their heads and completed their tasks. I sat in between Beau and Luke. Troye brought me my sandwich. I told everyone to take a seat in the living room. They needed an explanation and an apology. It took me a while. I had to eat.

"Well guys I just wanna start of by saying..."





Oops sorry for the cliff hanger.

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