The Reason: Chapter One: the Beginning

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This story is called “The Reason.” I named it after one of my personal favourite song by Hoobastank. It’s about finding that one person who’s the reason you decide to change your wrong ways. 

What do you do when the one you love gets involved with the wrong people and starts doing things he knows he shouldn‘t be doing? What if he ends up becoming your worst nightmare?  

Seventeen year old Kristen Harley has finally started to learn to control her bad temper after falling in love with her nineteen year old boyfriend of nine months, Shane Donaldson. But when Shane starts getting involved with the wrong kind of people, and starts skipping class, smoking pot (something he’d swear he’d never do) and fighting more, Kristen begins to lose her faith in their relationship. Will things ever return to the way they use to be, back when everyone was still happy? Or will they continue to get worse? 


Chapter One: The Beginning

I stood outside of the school with my best friend Jessica on a sunny, somewhat warm Thursday afternoon in March, watching the student lot fill up with students heading to their cars. We were waiting for my boyfriend Shane to come meet us after class, so he could drive us home. 

“So, how are things  with you and Henry?” I asked Jess. 

“Okay, I guess. Henry’s been a little too busy with all his homework, so I hardly get to see him anymore.” Jess answered, handing me back my lighter after lighting up a cigarette for herself. 

I light one up for myself and said, “That sucks. I think he should take a break from the homework for one night and just spent it with you, like he use to.” 

“I know, I think he should too, but you know how his mom is when it comes to school.” she sighed. 

I nodded, taking another drag from my smoke, “I wish I could say ‘I know how you feel’ but I can’t.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s okay.” She said, just as Shane walked up. 

“Hey ladies, you almost done your cancer sticks?” he asked, putting his arm around my waist. 

“Yes.” We both said, laughing. 

We quickly finished our smokes and headed over to Shane’s beat up old red 1973 Camaro. I took shot gun, and Jess hoped in the back. I cranked up the tunes as Shane pulled out of the parking lot. Hailey’s Song by Eminem started playing, and we all started singing along. I love Eminem, so does Shane. He knows the lyrics to almost every song.  

Shane dropped Jess off at her place, and then we head back to his apartment. Well I should say our apartment. I moved in with Shane when we hit our 6 months mark, after my parents were killed in a car accident back in July. I’m an only child and all my other family live at least 4 to 6 hours away. So Shane being the sweet guy he is, let me move in with him. We’ve lived together for 3 months now and everything’s been great. 

Our apartment is a 3 bedroom place that Shane shares with his brother Zack who’s 23, they both spilt the rent and even though they both insist that I don’t have to pay rent. We had a huge argument about that when I first moved in. I somewhat won; I help Shane pay his half. Seeing that he doesn’t really have a job and I do. 

Shane parks in the alley in between the two building where our apartment is. He gets out of the car and comes around to open my door for me. 

“Thank you.” I smiled, taking his hand. 

“No problem, babe.” he mutterd as we head up to our apartment. 

As soon as we enter the door I knew that Zach is home. How do I know you may ask? I can smell bacon coming from the kitchen. Zach absolutely loves bacon.  He always makes bacon when he gets off home from work, which is about 20 minutes before Shane and I do. I throw my bag on the floor in the living room and head to the kitchen. “It’s bacon time already?” I ask Zach, taking a piece of his plate. 

“Hey! Get your own!” he prostest. 

I laughed, “Nah, I think I’ll just steal your’s,” taking his plate, I began eating more bacon.

Zach stood up and began chasing me around the kitchen. I lead him all over the kitchen before running to the living room. 

“Aw come on, sis.” Zach treated me like his little sister, “give it back, and I’ll make you some of your own.”

I smiled and handed the plate back to him. “No it‘s okay. I‘m just messing with you, bro.” 

Zach headed back into the kitchen just as Shane entered the living room. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, “So, what’s the plan for tonight? We‘ve got no homework. So we‘re pretty much free.” 

“Hmmm…. Well what do you wanna do?” he asked.

“Hmmm…. We could always just watch a movie or something if you want?” I suggested. 

“Sounds good to me.” 


Shane and I grab a bag of Nacho cheese flavoured Doritos and curl up on the couch, we decide to watch Daredevil. I love the movie; it’s one of my personal favourites. 

We make it half way through the movie when Shane gets a phone call from his friend Luke.

“Hey Luke, what’s going on?” he asked. “What? Why are they there?”

I look up to him and give him a strange look. 

‘Well, I’ll be right over… Yes, I’ll bring Kris, to keep Ash calm. Kay we’ll be there in 5.” 

He hung up the phone and looked down at me. “The cops are over at Luke’s, George is getting busted again and Ash is kinda freaking out. Luke needs us to come over.”

I nodded. “Okay, lets go,” I get up and grab his hand, yanking him up. 

I quickly went and grabbed my leather jacket and threw a pair of shoes on, and we headed out the door. 

********* Hey I'm julia and this is my first book, i've decided to upload, i'm slowly working on getting it done. so if you like it please comment and vote. i'm not too picky about it, but it would be totally awesome if you did and i'd be forever greatful :) <3*************

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