Chapter Eight: Three Fights in One Night

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Chapter Eight: Three Fights All In One Night.



I double blinked to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. George really winked at me. I gave him a weird confused look, he just smiled, as headed towards me. I blink again and he’s standing in front of me. 


“Hey Krissy, hey Shane. You guys having fun?” George asked. 

I try to keep calm, even though I was scared. Luckily Shane answered for us. “Oh, yeah. It’s great.” 

“That’s good. Me too, I’m just hoping I don’t see that fuckhead Darrell Fishberg doesn’t come near me, or I’ll be kicking his ass, that fucker owes me money.” George said, grabbing a beer off the table beside us. 

“Uh, okay? Well just avoid him. There’s already been one fight tonight, we don’t need another one.” I said. 

George raised his eyebrows at me. “Who was it between? Don’t tell me it was you Krissy? The cops haven’t been called.” George asked. Usually if I get into a fight the cops get called. But luckily with having Shane’s step dad a cop, I get off pretty easily. Yet, another reason I don’t stay at parties very long.


“No, George it wasn’t me. It was Selina and Riley.” I answered. 

“Really? Who won?” 

“Selina. We’ll I had to pull her off of riley or Riley would’ve been killed. Selina was practically in rage mood.” I explained.

“Oh, well that’s good for you Krissy, I guess.” George slurred, taking another drink of his beer. 


Just then Darrell walks by us. George grabbed his arm and said, “Hey Darrell, where’s my money?” 

Darrell turns to look at George. He looks scared shitless. 

“Uh, I don’t have it right now, George. I don’t get paid till Next Monday.” he said, nervously. 


I kind of felt bad for Darrell in a way. I’ve seen a lot of people get the shit kicked out of them in the past for owing George money. But in a way I don’t because if you’re stupid enough to get  involved with the kind of shit that George does. 


You see, George is one of the biggest drug dealers in this town. He’s been dealing drugs since he enter high school. And now, the only reason he stays in school is to make money of his followers who help sell his drugs. I dealt with him fighting guys all the time when we dated. It was fucking stupid. 


“Well how much you have on you now? I need some money tonight.” George said. 

I noticed Darrell’s body getting tense. “I only have a 20 for the night. I have rent to pay this week.” 

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t spend your rent money and the money you owe me on your lousy girlfriend who’s been sleeping with me for the last month and a half. If you didn’t already know.” George slurred. 


Darrell raises his eyebrows. “No, she hasn’t. Brandy wouldn’t do that.”

George grabbed my bottle of water, downed it in one chug. He sobered out a bit, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “oh, really? Well why do I have this picture of her wearing my boxers?” George asked, showing Darrell the picture. 

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