Chapter Sixteen: Blazing Deals With a Side of Heartbreak

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Chapter Sixteen: Blazing Deals with a Side of Heartbreak.

Shane's POV

I woke up around 6am, Kris was still fast asleep. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt out of my closet before leaving the bedroom. After taking a quick shower and got dressed, I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

I got in my car and drove away. I knew where I was going, and was hoping George was awake, I texted and told him I need to blaze. I didn't explain why, just left it simple. Luckily George was sitting on his porch when I pulled into the driveway.

"Long time no see, Shane where have you been?" George asked.

"I've been around, things were actually going good with Kris for awhile." I said.

"Things gone shitty again?"

"Not with her, but my dad's around town again and he's already met Kris, I'm scared of what could happen. He's not a good guy," I answered.

"Ah, I see. Well why don't we light up a joint and relax a little before school." George suggested.

"sounds good to me." I agreed.

George and I headed to the back part of the porch. When we got out there. George lit up the joint, took a long puff and then passed it to me,

I know I told Kris I would leave George alone but she had no way of finding out.... Well as far as I know... I took a puff letting the smoke fill my lungs. Passing it back to George I said,

"thanks for this George, I needed something to calm my nerves."

"No problem man. But Shane I do need to ask you a favor."

"okay. What's up?"

George sighed. "Since Pedro and Louis have bailed on me because of their stupid ass mom. I'm out of people to sell for me. I was wondering if you would wanna?"

Selling marijuana? The idea of it seemed strange to me.

"I don't know man....." I hesitated.

"You get 45 of the income, the other 40 goes to me. And the final 15% goes towards buying the weed. It's a really good deal man."

45% of the income? That was a good deal. Maybe selling for a bit wouldn't be such a bad idea. I could use the money to help pay my share of the rent. It wasn't fair that Kris had to pay our full share.

"Alright, I'm in, but only because I need to money." I finally agreed.

George smiled, "Great, I was suppose to be picking up tonight, but since you're starting now, I'll give you the address and you can pick it up, try and sell as much as you can, and whatever you don't sell keep 1/2 and you can smoke the rest."

I nodded, "Sounds easy enough."

"And since you're pretty well know around the school you can get me more people. Some of the guys on the football team still smoke up right?"

"Yeah, some." I remember when I first started playing football in my freshman year, when some of the older guys on the team were smoking up in the locker room one day after practice.

*Flash Back*

We had just finished practice, and I was exhausted. Coach seemed to think that I was as good as our senior players even though I was only a freshman, he worked me as hard as them and made me stay later after practice.

I headed into the locker room, to shower before I went to meet up with Tessa. (we weren't dating at the time, but she seemed to like hanging with me) There was a strange leafy smell coming from the locker room. I tried to ignore the smell as I entered the locker room.

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