Chapter Two: George's Arrest

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Chapter Two: George’s  Arrest 

We arrived at Luke’s in 5 minutes and just as I got out of the car, Ashley came walking out of the house with her 2 year old son Marshall in her arms. Ashley’s Luke’s girlfriend, and I’ve known Ash since kindergarten, we use to hang out all the time before she dropped out of school when she had Marshall 2 years ago. 

“Hey Guys, thanks for coming.” Ash says, as Marshall reaches for me. 

“Hey, no problem Ash,” I said, taking Marshall into my arms. 

Shane headed inside to see Luke, Ash and I followed him into the living room. 

“So what happened?” I asked. 

“Well, I was going to take Marshall to the park, but just as I was about to leave the house, the cops show up looking for George. They said that he was trying to steal alcohol from the general store just up the road, and that they found his wallet and saw that his address was here. So they came here looking for him. They were just about to leave when George shows up, and has a whole crap load of weed on him.” Ash explained. 

Yeah, I remember. That was terrible. I actually hated living with him, I tried to convince Luke that it wasn’t a safe environment for Marshall to be living in, but he insisted that George would change.” Ash said, as Shane and Luke approached us. 

 “Well there you go Ash, he’s finally out of the house.” Luke muttered, kissing her cheek. 

“I’m sorry babe, I know you thought he could change, but he didn’t. This is what’s best for us all.” 

Luke nodded, “Yeah, I know,” he turns and smiles at Shane and I. “Thanks for coming, you guys.” 

“No problem, we’re always here,” Shane told them, taking my hand. 

Marshall yawned, resting his head on my shoulder, he drifted to sleep. 

“Ooh, looks like it’s someone’s nap time.” Ash said, taking Marshall from me and laid him down on the couch. 

“Well, I guess we better be going. I’ve got to get home and showered, for school tomorrow.” I  said hugging Ashley, “You should really come back to school Ash, everyone misses you.”

She nodded, “Yeah, I miss everyone too. I’m just waiting for the daycare to call for Marshall.” 

“Let’s hope it’s soon. School hasn’t been the same with out you. I’m stuck getting to cat fights on my own, well there is Jess but you know how she is when it comes to fighting.”

Ash smiled, “Yeah I know. Well, I’ll call you later.” 

“Okay.” I give Luke a goodbye hug and Shane gave him a manly punch in the arm, something they always do. 

“See you guys later,” Shane muttered, taking my hand as we head back outside to the car. 

As we drove home, we talked about how George use to be when he went to school with us.  “So it seems George hasn’t changed a bit since he got expelled.” I said. 

“Nope, dude needs some serious help. He’s gonna end up hurting himself or worse someone else.” Shane agreed. 

“Yeah, I know. I wish I could say that, there’s a chance that he’d learn from his mistakes, but we know that he won’t” I sighed. staring out the passenger window.

Suddenly I feel another shiver flow down my back. 

Shane noticed and asked, “Hey babe, you okay?”

I looked up to him and smile, “Yeah, I’m fine, why?” 

“You just seem a little tense.” 

“I’m fine, just a little tired and cold. Everything’s fine.” 

“Okay.” he said turning the heat on in the car. 

The rest of the drive home was quiet. We pulled into the alley and Shane parked the car. Like always he came around and opens my door for me. He took my hand and just as I was about to open the door leading up to our apartment, Shane unexpectly pulled me into a kiss. His lips were soft and gentle resting against mine. I kissed him back pushing him up against the one wall, deepening the kiss, I felt Shane wrap his arms around my waist. 

We broke apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat. 

It was Zach. He laughed, “Wow, you guys.”

“What?” I asked, my cheeks turning a little pink.

Zach stopped laugh and smiled, “Nothing. I’m going out for a bit. Be good you two.” 

This time Shane and I laughed, “Aw, do we have to be good?” Shane asked. 

“Yes, no sex you guys. You’re too young.”

“Too  young? Says ‘Mr. I lost my V-card in grade 8 to Louise Grayson in the janitor’s closet.’ Who use to be one of the dirtiest girls in our school before she graduated.” Shane muttered, laughing. 

I gave Zach a strange look of shock, “Really? You slept with her? She’s so gross.” 

“Yes, unfortunately I did. Now enough about my sex life. I’m leaving.”

Shane and I start laughing again as we headed upstairs to the apartment.

 “I’m gonna go hop in the shower. I’ll be back.” I told Shane. 

“Okay, I’m just gonna go watch the baseball game.”

“Okay, love you.”

“Love you.” 

I was still thinking about what happened with George today as I washed my haie. I always knew he’d never change, you couldn’t pay the guy to change. If someone ever did he’d just use the money to support his habits.  I’ve known George since kindergarten and it’s hard to remember a time where George wasn’t getting into some kind of trouble.  

Even when he was a kid in public school, he was finding someway to get in trouble. Whether it was getting into fights or swearing at teachers or even trying to steal the younger kid’s lunch money. 

I even went out with George when we were in ninth grade, hoping I could change him, but it was the other way around. He changed me. He got me into smoking cigarettes, and since then I’m still doing it, but not as much as I use to though.I wish I could say I felt bad for him for all the things he‘s done. But I can’t. George will never change. It’s as simple as that. 

I finish my shower and wrap myself up in a towel and head to our bedroom to find some pyjamas. After I’m dressed, I head back out to the living and curl up on the couch with Shane, who’s watching the Yankees beating the Jays in the 3rd inning.

“Feeling better?” Shane wondered, putting his arm around me. 

“Yep.” I answer.

“That’s good. So do you wanna finish the movie? We never got to finish it earlier.” 

“Sure.” I grab the remote and change it back to the paused movie. 

We continued watching the movie, until it ended and I was just about to fall asleep. “Time for bed?” Shane says, it’s more a fact than a question, but I still answer yes.  He takes my hand and we head to the bedroom.

Our room was the biggest in the apartment. Zach had the second biggest, we also had a spare room that is unused. Curling up with Shane, I drifted to sleep. 

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