Chapter 22: PROM!!

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Chapter 22: PROM!!

Prom Night

Prom was finally here and I was quite excited. I was standing in the bathroom of my apartment, while Sam curled my hair. It was much easier for her to do it because she could actually reach the back of my head better than I could. 

After curling the last couple strands of my hair, we quickly did Sam’s hair (which was a simple high ponytail, with some glitter spray) we let Shane get his hair ready while we did our makeup in my room. 

By 6:00 we were all finally all dressed and dolled up, I texted Jess and told her we’d be over to pick her up in a few minutes, and then headed out to have an amazing night. 


The parking lot of the school was packed with cars and limos dropping people off. Sam went to meet up with Ryan, and Jess followed me and Shane into the gym. I felt kind of bad that Jess didn’t have a date, she didn’t seem to mind much though. I took Shane’s hand as we entered the gym. 

The gym was flowing with girls in various coloured dresses and guys in tuxedos grinding and dancing together. It seemed to be just like the other school dances I attended back when I was in grade 11. Sam use to drag me to all of them before she moved away. But this was prom, things were going to be a little different this time. I had the guy I loved with me, and was ready to let the night begin. 

After receiving a few death glares from Tessa and her group of bitchy followers, who were all wearing bright pink dresses, I lead Shane over to the dance floor, wrapping my arms around his neck as we started to sway. 

Looking around I saw that Sam had found Ryan, they now stood in the corner near the stage steps, sucking faces. 

I also saw Jess dancing with Matthew Ross. She looked happy for the first time since she found out Henry was cheating on her. Henry who was nowhere in sight. 

As the night when on, Shane and I continued to dance, we didn’t say much. But the silence between us was nice. I was happy just to have him. I hated to think that less than a few weeks ago I almost lost him. 

I was also glad that George seemed to have left the picture these last few weeks. Things were just easier when he wasn’t around, we didn’t have to deal with his bullshit and drug talk. 

Suddenly I felt Shane’s phone buzz against my leg. He quickly answered it. I watched as his eyebrows narrowed, he typed a quick reply before looking down at me. 

“Is everything okay?” I asked. 

He sighed, “Yeah. Everything’s fine.” 

I raised my eyebrows at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. 

“Lets just enjoy the rest of the night, okay? Everything is fine, I promise.” he said. 

I nodded, not wanting to pry what the text was about out of him. I kissed his cheek and we continued to dance. 

It was almost 11pm when the danced finally came to an end. My feet were sour and I was quite tired. I wasn’t really in the mood to go to any parties and told Sam I would see her when she got home, and then went off to find Jess; who was in the arms of Matthew, their lips pressed to each others. 

I felt myself smile. It was nice to see her happy with someone new. 

After telling her, we were leaving, Shane and I headed home. 

Prom wasn’t what everyone made it out to be, but I didn’t care. I got to spend the night in the arms of the man I loved, that was enough for me. 

We arrived home, and I instantly ditched the heels I was wearing and headed to the bathroom to let my hair out and remove my makeup. Events like these always remind me why I don’t dress up a lot. It was a lot of work. 

But I knew what I wanted most right now to make this the best night, I walked out of the bathroom and over Shane, who stood there with just his tie and pants on. I gave him a sneaky smile. He leaned down and kissed me, clearly clueing in to what I wanted. 

His hands drifting to the zipper on the back of my dress, it fell to the ground as I undid his red tie, and threw it on the ground. We soon hit the bed, our lips pressed to each other. 

And well you can guess how things went from there. 

When we finally drifted to sleep, I thought to myself, “Damn, that was a good night.”

******** this is probably really short, ive had major writers block. and have had a hard time thinking of what to write. but here's another chapter, so yay! 

I'm going to be posting the links of the girls prom dresses. 

and chapter/part with the cast :) 

about 2 chapters left, maybe an epilogue !!!!!!!!! 

please vote!!!!!!

comment!!!!!!!! ************** 

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