Chapter Eleven: A Look Into The Past (Shane's POV)

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Shane's POV

I headed out the door, after telling Kris I loved her. It only hit as soon as I got in my car, that I lied to Kris again. I hated lying to her, but if she knew where I was really going, she'd be super pissed. I started the car and headed to George's.

I didn't exactly know why I was going to meet George, he just called me and told he needed to see me.

George was waiting on his porch, smoking a cigarette, when I pulled into the driveway.

His house was just a little bungalow, the roof looked like it was going to cave in and the paint was fading. It looked like a piece of shit, to be honest.

I walked over to him, and asked, "So what did you need, George?"

"Oh, Shane, I'm glad you're here. I need you to drive me to Nathan's. He has some money for me, I need it to pick up some more weed." George explained.

"And I'm the only one you could've called?" I asked. 

"Right now? Yes, all my other guys are out working, making me my money. And plus if you drive me, I'll give you some of the money and weed I get."

"Ummm......" The idea of getting money was intriguing. If I earned some money I could help Kris pay our share of the rent.

Since I quit working at Mc Donald's in December, I haven't been able to pay much of the rent. Thank god I have a amazing girlfriend to help me out and accept the fact that I hated the job.

After I quit, Kris just started working at HMV. I tried to find another job, but it wasn't easy. I worked at both of the Tim Horton's in town and because I quit during the middle of one of the busiest time of day at Mc Donald's (I quit during customer appreciation day, around lunch time) I didn't even put in my two weeks notice. I just got up and left.

"So Shane what do ya say?" George asked.  

I had a feeling I was going to regret this. But it seemed like it could maybe be a good thing.  

"Alright, but only because I need the money for rent." 

A grin crossed George's face. "Great, let's go."

We walked over to the car, George got into the passenger seat propping his feet up on the dash.  

"No feet on my dash." I told George, starting the car.  

"Oh, shit. Sorry dude." George apologized, and then laughed.  

I simply rolled my eyes.

The drive to Nathan's was quiet. I didn't really know what to talk to George about. We were never friends when he was in school. He was too much of a drug addict for me to talk to.


Back when George still went to school, I was a boring football jock. I was still dating Tessa.

Tessa and I dated for a year and a half. Our relationship had it's ups and downs, Tessa was great in bed, but she was a bitch.

She would always be so mean to the people around her and she shit talked everyone. I hated listening to her gossip with her best friend Riley.

And most of all I hated how she would always call Kristen and Sam "The Lesbian Cutters." Tessa knew that Sam and Kris were NOT lesbian (Kris was dating George) and that none of them cut. She just made it up because she had nothing better to do.

I decided that I didn't want to put up with her bullshit anymore, but I knew I couldn't just dump Tessa. She was the most popular girl in school, the head cheerleader. I needed her to break up with me.

During this time George got kicked out of school for trying rape Mrs. Beaumont, one of the school's English teachers. Of course he was high as a kite when it happened. And had no idea what he was doing.

Kris was heartbroken when this happened. She actually loved George, I'm not sure why but she did. I guess because they dated for almost 2 years. They were dating before Tessa and I even got together.

After that, Kris and George broke up and that's when Kris and I got really close. I almost forgot that I was still dating Tessa.

About 2 weeks after Kris and George broke up, Tessa confronted me and accused me of cheating on her with Kristen. She dumped me then, and let me tell you, I couldn't have been happier.

Less than a week later I asked Kristen out and we've been happy ever since.


We arrived at Nathan's with in 20 minutes. George got out to meet Nathan who was waiting, on his front lawn.

"You got my money Nate?" George asked.  

Nathan nodded, and handed George a roll of 20s and 10s.  

"Here's your $250, I still have about 3 grams left to sell so I'll have the rest next week once I sell the rest."  

George nodded, handing Nathan two 20s and a 10. "Okay, good, keep fifty of this that you're first cut out of this round."  

"Thanks George, so are we buying some weed to smoke tonight?" Nathan asked.  

"That was the plan, that's the main reason I got Shane to drive me over here."

Nathan turned and looked at me, "Oh, Donaldson, I didn't even see you over there. When did you get into this kinda stuff?"

I shrugged "Just recently, I started the night of Lindsay's party."  

"Nice, well welcome to the gang."  

I just nodded, not really sure what to say to that.

"Well why don't we just smoke the left over weed I have now and I can just use the money I have now to pick some more up for next week?" Nathan suggested.  

"Sounds good to me, just as long as I get my money next week." George said.  

"Have you ever not gotten you're money from me?" Nathan asked.  

"Nope, you always get me my  

money on time which is good. Now let's go smoke some Ganja!" George exclaimed,

We headed into Nathan's house. George rolled a couple of joints for us to smoke with Nathan's left over weed.

By the time we finished the last 3 grams, I was baked.  

I knew that if I went home like this Kris would kill me. So I texted her and told her I was staying at Luke's.

I knew it was another lie, but I was too high to care.

******** sooooo, what did you guys think of this chapter? Do you like Shane's point of view? Should I write another one?  

It was actually kind of funny to write in his point of view. It only took me only about a hour to write this one, (the shortest its ever taken me to write a chapter in this book. So please let me know what you think!!! Comment and vote!!!! **************

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