Chapter Seventeen: This is the Final Straw

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Chapter Seventeen: This is the Final Straw

Kristen's POV

I watched as Shane left the room. What was he going to do? Was he really going to "take care" of Henry? A feeling of apprehension shivered down my back.

I knew what I needed to do.

I excused myself from the class, to chase down Shane before he did something that could get him suspended.

Making my way down to the science wing of the school, mental images of Shane beating the shit out of Henry were running through my mind. Like yes, I know he deserved to get the shit beaten out of him for cheating on Jess but this wasn't the time or place for it.

I finally found them. Shane had Henry by his neck pushed up against a locker just outside of the main science room; no one else was in sight.

I ran up to where Shane stood, his face filled with rage. I grabbed his hand and said, "Shane, don't. This is not worth getting suspended for right now."

Shane looked down at me. "Kris, admit you wanna knock this fucker out for what he did to Jess." he said.

"I do, but…." I started but was cut off "Yeah, so why don't we take him out back behind the school and give him what he deserves."

My mouth just about dropped open at the words I was hearing come out Shane's mouth. Was he serious? Did he not realize how much shit we could get in for doing that?

I stepped in between Shane and Henry, making Shane let his grip on Henry-who took advantage of the opportunity and ran off-slip

"Hey, get back here you little prick, I'm not done with you yet." Shane called after Henry, who was already half way up the hallway.

Shane turned his glare back on me, he didn't look to happy about me letting Henry get away.

"What the fuck Kris? Why did you do that?" Shane asked, sounding pissed.

"I did that because you wouldn't listen to me when I told you not to do this. What's gotten into you, Shane?" I tried to keep my voice calm.

"Henry needed to be taken care of you saw how hurt Jess was for what he did, the guy needed to have some sense knocked into him. He needs to know that he can't go around cheating on my little sister."

Okay, now I see why Shane reacted the way he did. Jess had always been like his little sister to him, since she dated his cousin Daniel. He always was very protective of her.

"Okay, well I get that you're pissed, but remember I am too. But at least I'm not doing something that can get me suspended." I answered. "You on the other hand don't seem to care if you get suspended for beating the shit out of someone."

"I actually don't care if I do or not. And before you start bitching at me for almost doing something that could get suspended why don't you look at all the times you got suspended for fighting?" he countered.

Bringing up my suspensions was asking for a nasty comeback and Shane knew that.

"Oh, well I'm sorry that your slut of an ex girlfriend and her friends thought it would be fun to piss me off till the point that they got hit." I stated, letting a touch of anger drip into my tone. I was starting to get pissed with Shane.

"Well sorry to say it Kris, but a lot of the time you had it coming to you." Shane answered.

He did not just say that…….

Dude was cruising for a bruising.

He was trying to justify for his ex girlfriend against me. His ex girlfriend who he knew I absolutely hated.

Now that really pissed me off. Shane seemed to be asking for a fight.

"It's like you were the one calling her a slut and a whore behind her back." he continued.

"She's the one who made up a rumour that Sam and I were lesbians who cut everyday!" I defended

"Oh so you're standing up for your ex girlfriend over me now, are you? I asked, getting more and more ticked off with every word he said.

"No I just think that you should think about your own life before you start telling me how to live mine." he snapped at me.

"I'm not telling you how to live your life. I'm just trying to look out for you and try to stop you from making stupid choices like you did with George." I practically shouted at him.

Shane was asking for a fight and me being in the mood I am, filled with anger, I was gonna give him one.

"Here you go again, telling me how to live my life again. I can make my own choices; I don't fucking need you telling me what to do! You're not my fucking mom." he shouted back at me.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm trying to be a good girlfriend and actually look out for you!"

"You don't need to look out for me! I'm fucking 19 years old. I can take care of myself! You're only 17, you're not even an adult yet, you don't know anything!"

Oh, man, he was really cruising. I was in full rage mood now. I wasn't sure how I had gone this long without throwing a punch. Oh, but I'm getting close to now.

"Wow, and you think just because you're 19 and considered an adult that you fucking know everything! Well here's a news flash for you honey, you don't!" I shouted. "But you know what? I don't fucking care, go do whatever the fuck you want! Fuck up your life for all I care! Why don't you go smoke some fucking dope with George?" I yelled!

"Maybe I will, it's a lot more fun then standing here listening to you tell me how I should live my life!" he said, turning to walk away.

"Yeah, fucking walk away like you always do, you jerk!" I called at him.

It took me a minute for everything that just happened and was said to catch up to me. I lost myself in my anger. I slammed my knuckle into one of the lockers as hard as I could without breaking it. It hurt but it felt good to let it out. I continued punching the locker, until I finally sank to the ground.

I didn't even notice the tears that were falling from my eyes. I didn't even notice the sound of the bell ringing to end first class. I sat up against a longer my head on my knees wishing I could just disappear.

A few minutes later Sam and Jess showed up. They didn't even ask what had happened between me and Shane that caused me to break down once again. They knew I wouldn't talk about it. They just lead me out of the school.

Sam called Zach to come take me home. I didn't even want to be at home, I just knew I needed to get away from here for awhile.

Zach dropped me off at the apartment but didn't stay; he had to get back to work. I was shockingly grateful that no one came home with me. I didn't want to be around anyone right now.

Once I knew that Zach wouldn't be coming back, I went inside and began packing my stuff into my suitcase. I wrote a note letting Sam know that I was leaving for a bit, promising that I would call her as soon as I knew where I was going.

I didn't know where I was going, but right now I didn't care. 

************* sorry for the cliff hanger guys, i just thought up this chapter today with not a big idea of what i wanted to do, i decided that i could work with this new idea, (:

so please don't hate me.

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let me know what you think about this! 

xoxox!!! ******************************** 

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