Chapter Eighteen: Time for a Change

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Chapter Eighteen: Time for a Change

I've already been on the train for 3 hours. I sat in the back of the bus, with my headphones in, blasting All Time Low. 

I finally decided where I wanted to go. I was on the train to my mom's sister's Cottage. 

It took me a while to decide just where I wanted to go, I didn't want to be questioned much and I knew my Aunt Nikki would let me stay without a huge well detailed explanation. 

I texted Sam and Jess letting them know where I was going.... I left it simple and then turned it off. Not wanting to deal with anyone trying to convince me to come home. 

I wasn't happy at home and it was not where I wanted to be. I was sick of fighting with Shane. It wasn't good for either of us. Maybe sometime apart will do us both some good. 

After another hour, the train finally stopped at the train station, 20 minutes from Aunt Nikki's cottage. I was about to call letting her know I was here but she seemed to beat me here. 

Aunt Nikki stood there waiting for me. She looked the same as always. She had the same brown hair as my mother (which was tried back in a pony tail that hung half way down her back) and the same green eyes (which were hidden behind her glasses) 

Aunt Nikki was my mothers oldest sister, she was a lot like Mum. They both loved the arts but Aunt Nikki preferred visual arts and mum liked musical arts.

She gave me a hug as I got off the train. "Hi Kristin. You got everything?" she asked, taking one of my bags from me. 

I nodded. "Yeah. I got it all." 

"Okay let's go," 

With that we headed to where her little red Sun-fire. We packed the trunk with all my stuff, and headed to the cottage. 

The drive was quiet, Aunt Nikki was comfortable with the silence. Something I was very thankful for. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk about why I was here. I knew it would just make me miss Shane even more. 

"So how's school going?" Aunt Nikki asked. 

"It's going okay, I guess." I answered. 

"Doing good in your classes?" I could tell she was trying to make small talk. 


Aunt Nikki sighed, "Okay, I'm sorry but I have to ask....."

I knew she was gonna ask why I was here. I couldn't talk about it... Not now. 

"Aunt Nikki, I can't talk about it right now. I'll tell you soon." I said, 

"Okay." she simply replied. 

We arrived at the cottage around 6pm. It looked the same as it did when I use to come here as a kid, 

Except the roof was redone. 

The cottage was a light cedar wood, with a large window near the front door. It looked like your typical log cabin. 

I grabbed my stuff from the trunk and followed Aunt Nikki into the house. she pointed me in the direction of the guest bedroom. 

"You're lucky you came when you did, I just had the guest room redone. You can put your stuff in there, make yourself at home." Aunt Nikki said with a slight smile, 

I smiled back at her and said, "okay Thanks." 

She nodded, heading to the kitchen, probably to make dinner or something. 

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