Chapter Five: A Visitor at Timmie's

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  • Dedicado a Samantha Webb

****** A new Characters are introduced in this Chapter********** 

Chapter Five: A Visitor At Timmies

I looked up to my alarm clock, 6:21am. I know I won’t be getting back to sleep after then dream I had. So I rolled out of bed and grab a pair of track pants and one of Shane’s baggy sweaters and throw them on. I grab my cell phone off the charger and slip my running shoes on. After grabbing Shane’s iPod and my pack of smokes, I head out of the apartment. 

I began walking up the road, turning Shane’s iPod on. I browse his play lists and finally find the song I’m looking for; Acadia by Marianas Trench  It’s me and Sam’s song. We both love Marianas Trench. As I listened to the song, I pulled out a smoke, lit it, and began thinking about the dream I had. 

Why would Sam be in my dream? It’s been like 2 years since we’ve seen each other. Sam and I have been like sisters since we were born. We went to school together up until we hit the summer before grade 11, we were originally suppose to graduate high school together. But her dad, my uncle Jason got a job across the country in Nova Scotia. 

So Sam had to move with them. We still saw each other every summer and sometimes during Christmas break. Except we didn’t get to see each other this summer because she was stuck doing prep for her university classes that her mother is making her take. Sam isn’t a huge fan of school, and her mom knows that, but it doesn’t stop her from trying to force education down Sam’s throat( okay I don’t mean literally forcing education down her throat, but knowing my aunt Glen she would if she could.) 

Out of Sam and I, I’m the one who actually enjoys doing some school work. Sam prefers to just chill and doesn’t like a lot of school work. Even though lot of the time I had to help her do the work, especially in English. I remember having to help her with almost every assignment we did in grade 10 English. Like as much as it drove me crazy, I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world. 

By the time the song was over, I had finished my cigarette and was almost at the Tim Hortons that was a block away from the apartment. I go in and order an extra large tea, and a chocolate chip cookie and a coffee for Shane knowing that he‘d want one. Just as I head for the door, I hear a familiar voice coming from behind me.

“Hello Kit Kat.” the voice said.

I turned around and couldn’t believe my eyes who I see. 

“Sam? Smartie? Is that you?”

“Yeah it’s me.” she replies. 

 “What are you doing here?” I ask, running to hug her. 

She hugged me back and said, “Well, it’s kind of a long story. Let’s walk back to your place and I’ll explain.” 

“Sounds good to me.” I said, pulling back from the hug. We grab her suitcase and duffle bag as we leave Timmies and head back to the apartment. 

“So how did you get here?” I asked.

Sam smiled, “Well I kind of got into some trouble when I moved to Nova Scotia.” 

“What kind of trouble are we talking?” 

She laughed, “Well lets just say I met the wrong guy and got into some bad shit, I changed who I was for this guy.” she explained, running her fingers through her long brown hair. Sam didn’t look like she changed that much. She still looked my Smartie Sam (okay, you’re probably thinking why did she call me Kit Kat and I call her Smartie. Well it’s a private joke between us; we both love chocolate, but Kit Kats are my favourite and Smarties are Sam’s. So one day my dad started calling us Kit Kat and Smartie and it just kind of stuck with us.) 

The ReasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora