Chapter Four: Unexpected Sights at the Mall

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  • Dedicated to Seliina' Bonnell

***** a fair bit of mature content in this chapter, just warning readers :)***********

Chapter Four: Unexpected Sights at The Mall

The drive to the mall took about 15 minutes. We decided to switch up the tunes a bit and throw in some Evanescence. I love Evanescence; they've been like one of my all time favourite band for like ever. I began to sing along with Amy Lee on Going Under and then it drifted into My Immortal. 

I tried very hard to fight back the tears that wish to escape my eyes as I sang along. My Immortal was the first song I learned to play on the piano after Mom died. I use to play it all the time, it still makes me wanna cry. Shane senses that the song is bothering me and switches the CD to Faber Drive; another band I love.

Blasting G-Get Up and Dance as we pulled into the mall parking lot my mood began to lift. Shane comes around and opens my door, just as I pull out a cigarette from my purse and light it. Shane takes my other hand and we head for the mall entrance. 

After a few minutes I finished my cigarette and we entered the mall. It's not as packed as it would be if we came at lunch, so many people come to the mall at lunch, so usually it's hard to even get a parking spot. 

We walked into the mall, holding hands. We headed first to a Timmies so we can grab a coffee. Okay, well a coffee for Shane, I hated coffee as we both know. I ended up getting a bottle of Pepsi, though I usually prefer Coke but Pepsi worked. We then begin browsing the mall. I quickly stopped in at HMV to find out when I was working this week. My boss Linda is there.

"Hey Linda," I said, as we walk in.

"Oh, hey Kris. Coming to see if you're working tonight?" she asked, walking around to the counter. 

I smiled, "Yep, and let me guess I am."

"Yep. It shouldn't be that busy tonight and Max called in sick. So unless Heidi shows up-which I doubt she will since she hasn't been here in almost 2 weeks, you might have the store to yourself." she replied, rolling her eyes. 

I nodded, "That's fine. I can handle it."

Linda smiles, "I know you can. Since you handle the mall's midnight madness sale pretty much all on your own."

I smile again, "It wasn't that bad." I say sarcastically. 

We both laughed, as a customer approached the counter. I moved out of the way, so Linda could ring in their selections. 

"Well I guess we better go. I'll see you later Linda." 

Linda nodded, "All right, have a good day. And call me if you need me tonight." 

"I doubt I will, but okay."

Linda waved goodbye with a smile, as Shane and I left the store. After browsing a few more stores we decided to leave. Just as we exited the mall and into the parking lot, the unexpected happens; George appeared in front of us. I blinked a few times, thinking I was just seeing things, before realizing George was really standing there. 

Shane broke my moment of daze. "George what are you doing here? I thought the cops took you away last night?"

"They did, but then they my cousin Jerry bailed me out," George answered, "They were stupid enough to let me leave with half my weed." 

"What the fuck? Really?" I asked, confused. 

George pulled out from his jacket pocket and lit it. "Yeah, the cops in this damn town are stupid, they should've realized by now that they can't really stop me. No one can." he laughed, taking a puff from his joint. 

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