Chapter 21: Crazy Old Man Returns!!!

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Chapter 21: Crazy Old Man Returns!!!

Things had been going good again. Shane was out of the hospital and his injuries were on the mend. My teachers were happy to have me back in class, Saved them sending me more assignments. But I was still about 3 assignments ahead in my English class, so I pretty much sat and did nothing in class the first week I was back.  

I was attempting to quit smoking cigarettes, but it wasn’t easy. Shane managed to tell George that he was done selling. George was pissed, but luckily Dean ditched football to sell. Shockingly Dean and George had become quite good friends over the time I was gone. Better Dean than Shane I thought. 

Beside those little things, things were pretty much the same as they were when I left, except the fighting. There was no longer any fighting between Shane and I. We managed to  talk things out, and what we couldn’t deal with verbally we fixed with sex. (And I’m not saying that sex fixes everything, but it seems to ease the tense) 

It was now the middle of May, and prom was just around the corner, Jess, Sam and I  still needed to buy a dress, and were now on the way to the mall. 

“So, what colour of dresses are you girls looking for?” Shane asked. 

“I wanna blue one to match my hair,” Jessica said. 

“Of course.” I smirked, turning to Sam, “Let me guess Sam you want something black?” 

“I don’t know yet. Probably.” 

“And what about you Kris? What colour you looking for?” 


Everyone went silent for a minute and looked and me, confused. I broke out laughing. “Would I wear orange guys? Really?” 

They all shook their heads. “You hate orange.” 

“I sure do. Now let’s go!” 


After 3 hours of browsing stores and trying on dresses we finally found the perfect one for all of us. Jess found a very cute short thigh high sparkly baby blue dress that match perfectly with her hair. Sam chose a gorgeous black floor length dress that was open at the back and had a slit up the front. And for me, well I was the pickiest of us all. I spent 2 hours trying to decide what I wanted. I finally found a beautiful black and red dress. The top of the dress was red with black rhinestones with a black ribbon and a large red flower. The rest flowed out to my mid thigh, red with black laced flowers on the skirt. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. 

After another hour of picking out shoes, it was time for me to go to work. Sending my stuff home with Shane, knowing I couldn’t exactly take it to work with me. With a quick kiss goodbye I headed off to work. 

I was happy to see that nothing had changed at HMV while I was gone. Heidi was still trying to make the customers buy more than they wanted, she wasn’t very good at selling things to people, but it was funny watching her try. 

“Ma’am you should totally buy the Christmas Bieber CD with his “Believe” album.” she was saying to an elderly woman who looked to be about 65ish. 

“I don’t want the Bieber Christmas, it’s May not December you cuckoo!” the one replied. 

“Well you’re gonna buy it anyways,” Heidi announced, ringing it in. 

“But I don’t want it.” 

Heidi leaned over the counter and looked the woman straight in the eye and said “You either pay for both or I’ll charge you double for the one!” 

The old woman groan angrily, but finally gave in. “Fine, but don’t expect me to come back here though!” she called leaving the store with both CDS. 

“Have a nice day!” Heidi responded happily, before muttering “You old bat!” under her breath. 

I walked over to her and patted her on the back. “Nice one Heidi.” 

She smiled back at me. “Thanks. She was one crazy bat!” 

I laughed, glancing to see the same old man from Heidi’s first day of work those many months ago walking over to Heidi. 

“Look who it is, Heidi. You’re “Lazy Song” Guy.” I exclaimed excitedly. 

“Oh, shit!” she yelped, running to hide behind me. 

“Where’s the girl who upset my dear wife less than a few minutes ago?” the man asked.

Pushing Heidi in front of me, I said, “Here she is.” 

The man glared at Heidi and groaned “Oh, no. it’s you again!” 

“You wanna finish dancing oldie?” Heidi asked, running over to crank up the radio.

“All I Ever Wanted” by Basshunter became playing out of the speakers. 

Running back over to the man, she began dancing around him. 

And just like last time, the old man began hitting Heidi with his cane. This time Heidi had something up her sleeve.  She grabbed the old man’s cane and ran around the store with it. 

I just about pissed myself.

“Hey, you nut give that back!” the man called chasing after her. 

“You’re just gonna hit me with it! You’re not getting it back!” she called back at him. 

This went on for about 10 minutes when the old man grew tired. Heidi ran over and bonked him over the head with his cane and then gave it back pushing the man out of the store. 

“Wow, Heidi. He must really like you if he keeps coming back to see you.” I said, laughing. 

She flashed me a huge grin. “Oh, he loves me. But I showed him up this time.”

I shook my head, and smiled. “Oh of course.” 

The rest of the work night was pretty good. Consisted of mostly Heidi trying to sell random crap to people. It was always a hoot working with Heidi. She was one crazy girl who knew how to have a good time. 

By the time closing time came we both were close to dying of laughter. Heidi’s mom came and picked her up. She seemed to be the polar opposite of Heidi she was very uptight. She didn’t even seem to notice me, not that I cared. 

Shane arrived a few minutes later to take me home. I told him about work as we drove home. And like usual, we went to bed with a kiss goodnight. 

************* sorry for the long wait guys, ive been kind of busy and well summer's like over, i start school again on wednesday :( it's a good but bad thing. i get to see my friends. 

But yeeh i've had some major writers block on all my stories. i've kind of started a new one and will probably upload it soon, i wanna have a few chapters write first, and wanna finish this one too. 

OOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm probably going to skip to prom for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!! so you all know!!!!!!! i think it will be more fun to write! 

this story is coming to an end sooon!!!!!!!! 

so please be good readers and comment and vote!

it's highly recommended and appreciated !!

thanks!!! ************

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