Chapter Six: Raging Bitches from School

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  • Dedicated to Cassie Alexander

 Chapter Six: Raging Bitches 

I double blinked to see Tessa standing there in the door way. She looked like a total skank, wearing a short black leather dress with black 3 inch stilettos, and her perfect blonde hair was flowing down her back. 

“Tessa, what the fuck are you doing here?” I asked.

“You got me suspended, you little hoe.” she muttered. 

“Well, yeah, you hit me. If I hit someone I’d get suspended too. So again why are you here?” 

“Who’s here?” Sam asked. 

“Come and see.” I told her.

Sam joined me at the door.  She looked at Tessa, and blinked. “Tessa?”

“Oh, look who’s back? The lesbian cutters are back together.” Tessa said, with a bitchy sneer.

“You haven’t changed a bit, you hoe bag.”

"Nope, she’s still the same slut she was when you left.” I agreed. 

“Neither have you, Sam.” Tessa added. 

“The only thing that’s changed about Tessa is that she learned how to hit, well somewhat.” I said, glaring at Tessa. 

Sam looked from Tessa to me. “Who’d she hit?”

“Me. She decided to hit me yesterday for no reason.” I answered. 

Sam’s eyes widened. “She hit you? Whoa, why?”

Tessa answered before I did, “She called me a slut and a bitch.”

I took a step towards her, “Well, that’s what you get for trying to steal my boyfriend.”

“He doesn’t deserve a crappy girl like you. He deserves better girls. Girls like me.”

“Bullshit he deserves you. No, let me correct myself, you don’t deserve him.” I groaned.

Tessa shrugged her shoulders, “Keep telling yourself that. Shane will be mine again soon.” 

“Yeah, well you keep telling yourself that HE DOES NOT LIKE YOU! So back off of him and go die in a hole, cause no one wants you here.” I shouted at her. 

She gave me a bitchy sneer mixed with a glare.. “Maybe I should smack you again. It seemed the first one didn’t knock any sense into you.” she took a step towards me, her hand held up, ready to slap me.

I began shaking, knowing my angers gonna get the best of me. And right now I want it to. I grabbed her hand with one hand and raise the other hand, clenched in fist and punch Tessa right in the nose. She let out a scream of pain as blood drips from her nostrils. I could feel Sam’s hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. I foght back a bit, but then Shane appeared behind us and pulled me away from the door. I struggle against his hold, until he whispers in my ear. “Stop fighting it. This is for your own good.”

I had to admit he was right. I decided then that wasn’t a point to resist. 

Sam was glaring at Tessa, “Well, bitch you deserved that. Now get the hell out of this building before we let Kris lose and she really hurts you. Plus you might wanna get your nose fixed, it looks broken.” 

Tessa let out a gasp of shock. “You’ll pay for this on Monday, Kristen!” she shouts, before storming away from the door and down the stairs. Sam closes the door, and turns to look at me. “What a bitch.” 

I was still in a bit of rage, but Shane calmed me down enough that I wasn’t going to chase Tessa out of the building. Sam walks over and pulls me into a hug. 

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