Chapter Three: Preppy Bitch's Slap

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**** In this chapter we find out a little bit more about Kristen's anger problems. Enjoy! <3****

Chapter Three: Preppy Bitch’s Slap

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping, I rolled over to turn it off and crawl out of bed. Shane’s still asleep. I decided to let him sleep while I got ready. 

Chosing a lavender tang top, with my jean mini skirt, I got dressed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and straighten my long black hair. After I applied a semi-dark layer of black eyeliner and a touch of mascara, I headed back to the bedroom and jumped on the bed.

“Get up, you lazy ass!” I shouted. “We got school this morning!”

Shane rolled over and glared at me. “But I don’t  wanna get up.”

“Well, I don’t care. You’re getting up or I’m going to pour cold water on you.” I told him, laughing.

 Shane rose his eyebrows at me. “Oh, will you?”

I smiled and evail grin, “You know I would.” 


“Now, please get up, Zach has breakfast ready.” The mention of breakfast made him get up. He quickly hoped out off bed, got dressed and combed his shaggy black hair and brushed his teeth.  Then we headed to the kitchen and saw that I was right, Zach did have breakfast waiting for us; pancakes and of course bacon.

I swore if he could survive on bacon he would. He loves it so much, that I’m shocked he’s not getting fat, but I guess it’s what makes him happy. 

Shane and I took a seat, loaded our plates with food and began to ear. Zach joined us, he looked dead tired. I wondered what he did last night when he went out. 

“Zach, you look dead. What did you end up doing last night?” I asked.

Zach yawned, “I was out with a girl.” 

Shane smirked, raising his eyebrows. “Who’s the lucky girl of the week?” 

Zach never stayed with a girl for long, he had commitment issues when it came to dating, he prefered just to have flings with girls rather than have relationships. 

“Carmen Johnston, I met her at work.” Zach replied. Zach workrf at a law firm downtown as an assistant for one of the lawyers. 

“Oh, cool.”


I got the feeling that Zach wanted the topic to end there. I didn’t mind, I’ve gotten use to the fact that Zach doesn’t like to discuss his love life with people much, so I don’t push him on the subject. Shane on the other hand sometimes does, but I give him a look and he knows that it’s time to drop it. 

After we finished eating, we grabbed our backpacks and say goodbye to Zach before we head out the door. We knew we had to pick up Jess on our way, so we hurry and got into the Camaro and headed to Jessica’s. 

We arrived at Jessica’s house to see her waiting outside for us. Like always she was wearing some crazy but fashionable outfit. Today she wore her bright blue in tiny little braids, 4 colours of eye shadow (rainbow), a knee length navy blue halter dress, with black ballet flats and carried her Dora the Explorer backpack.  

 She took her usual seat in the back side of the 

“Hello there, beautiful.” I said to her. 

“Hey Gorgeous,” she replied, putting on her seat, “hey to you too, handsome,” she said to Shane,  smacking him upside the head. Jess always does this in the morning, she never meant any harm. She just played around. 

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