Musical Playlist for "The Reason"

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Musical playlist for the Reason:

These are the songs that inspired and were mentioned in the story! :) 


The Reason- Hoobastank: this song is what I chose to base the story off of. I was randomly listening to it one day and thought, "hey I  The meaning behind it is the meaning behind what happens in the story. Shane and Kris have to find that one person who’s “the reason” they changed the way they use to be. 

“I found a reason for me to change who I use to be, a reason to start over new. And the reason is you.” 

Hailey’s song- Eminem: I love Eminem and I felt the urge to put some of his songs in the book. This is the song that is first heard when Shane drives the girls home (chapter one) 

Going Under and My Immortal- Evanescence: Evanescence has been one of my favourite bands since I first heard them in my all time favourite movie Daredevil (which is also mentioned in this story; during chapter one). For My Immortal, I found the meaning and lyrics of the song to suit what Kris was remembering about her parents and their death. 

G-Get Up and Dance- Faber Drive: I love Faber Drive and for the switching of the sad music to pumped up music in chapter four, I thought of this song. Every time I hear it, it literally makes me wanna get up and dance. 

Sing for The Moment- Eminem: Again, I love Eminem. And this song is another one of my favourites. The line where it says, “he hates him so bad that he blocks him out. If he ever sees him again he’d probably knock him out.” Reminds me of Shane’s relationship with his father.  

The Lazy Song- Bruno Mars: okay I literally almost peed myself when I wrote the scene where this song is played. I felt like I needed some humour and I was actually listening to this song when I was writing and I decided I wanted to use it. 

Acadia- Marianas Trench: when I was writing the scene after Kris dreams about seeing her cousin Sam, I was texting my friend Sam (who I based Sam’s character on) and I asked her what was her favourite Marianas Trench song and she said this one. So I decided to use it. Marianas Trench is a band both me and Sam love. 

Till the World Ends- Britney Spears: I was listening to this song when I was writing about Kristen blacking out, and I decided to just throw it in for the hell of it. I love Britney Spears, have since I was a little kid. 

Fall for You- Secondhand Serenade: this song makes me think of when Shane and Kris had their first fight. I love it, it’s such a good song. 

Friday Night Bitch Fight- Ke$ha: This song is one of my ultimate girl fight songs. I’d change it to Saturday night Bitch fight for this story, due to the fight between Selina and Riley. 

I’m Sorry- Buck Cherry: This song made me think of when Shane was apologizing to Kris the morning after Lindsay’s party. “I’m sorry for all the things I said to you, and I know, I can’t take em back.” Shane knows that what he said to Kris was wrong and he feels like crap for saying it, but knows that once words are said they can’t be taken back. 

Set The World on Fire- Black Veil Brides: I absolutely love this song. It’s amazing, as is Andy Six/Biersack. He’s so gorgeous. I decided I wanted to put this song in the story, because Shane’s looks reflect a bit on Andy, without makeup. 

Puke- Eminem: Here’s another Eminem song! (Yes another one, I already said to get use to it! Eminem for life baby! <3) I was trying to think of a song to put in the scene where Shane’s driving Kris to the mall for work. And well I thought of this song, because Kris is thinking about George. (haha, I bet you didn’t know that, because it’s Shane’s point of view) and this song made me think of George. 

Going Through Changes- Eminem:  Another Eminem song. I hope you guys aren’t getting sick of him, because I’m probably gonna throw some more of his songs into the story. This particular song is describes what Shane’s feeling when he really gets into the drugs with George. 

Dying to Live Again- Hedley: I love my Canadian artists, especially Hedley. This song touched me in a way when I first heard it, I’m not exactly sure why. But it made me think of this story. It describes how Shane feels after he finally gets away from George with the help of Kris and Sam. 

Goodbye- Ke$ha: I was listening to this song one day and liked it and decide “Hey, let’s put it in the book” so here it is. 

Remembering Sunday- All Time Low Featuring Juliet Simms- I love this song so much. I found that the lyrics kid of suit chapters 17 through 19. Especially Juliet Simms verse, when I think of the song, I see Shane singing Alex Gaskarth’s part and Kristen as Juliet.

Gunnin’- Hedley: Another Hedley song! This is just one of my favourite songs by Hedley, and I can actually play the little intro bit on guitar.  

All I Ever Wanted- Basshunter: I was trying to think of a good random, upbeat song, and well this was one of the ones I thought of. 

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