Chapter Twelve: Here We Go Again

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Chapter 12: Here We Go Again

Back to Kristen's POV

It was almost 2:30 in the morning and Shane still hadn't made it home. It began to worry me.

What could've been so important with Luke that he couldn't tell me? I thought we told each other everything?

I sat on the leather couch in the living room, staring at my phone. Suddenly my phone buzzes, I quickly reach over and grab it.

Shane had finally texted me:

"Hey baby I'm gonna spend the nite @ Luke's. C u in the morning, I luv u <3"

I felt my heart rate slow down, now knowing that Shane was okay.

"Okay, I hope everything's okay, I'm gonna miss u 2nite <3 Love u cya in the morning."

I quickly texted back before heading to our bedroom. I grabbed a pair of Shane's boxers and his Eminem tee shirt, and curled up in bed.

A few minutes later I drifted to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, feeling lonely. I was so use to having Shane wake up beside me. I looked over at my phone, to see a short text from Shane:

"Morning beautiful, hope u slept well. I'm just gonna head straight 2 school, I'm borrowing some of Luke's clothes. C u @ school. Xo"

I sighed, crawling out if bed. I walked out to the living room to see Zack and Sam watching the news on the TV.

"Morning guys." I greeted them.

They both turned and looked at me. "Morning sleepy head, how'd you sleep?" Sam asked.

I sighed, "Okay I guess. Missed Shane cuddling me though."

Sam got up off the couch and came and gave me a hug, "it's okay Kris, you'll see him in less than an hour. Now let's go get you dressed and pretty looking."

"okay," I said as we headed to my room to pick out something for me to wear. I ended up in my baby blue skinnies, Shane's black wife beater and my black "Black Veil Brides" hoodie Shane got me for our 6 month anniversary.

I quickly straightened and teased my hair and did my make up.

By the time I was done, it was almost 8:15am Zack gave us a lift to school since Shane had the Camaro. We didn't have to pick up Jess today because Henry was taking her out for breakfast.

We got to school by 8:30, I saw Shane's Camaro in the parking lot, but couldn't find Shane.

Sam and I headed out to the front smoking pit to have a quick morning smoke. I lit one up for me and passed my lighter to Sam for hers .

Just then I saw George heading this way with Shane following behind him.

Wait! What? What was Shane doing with George? I practically ran up to him.

"Babe, what are you doing with George?" I asked.

Shane laughed, "Oh, hey Kris. I was just looking for you. Miss me last night?" he said, leaning in to kiss me.

And it was that moment that I smelled the weed on his breathe. I pulled back, to wipe my mouth in disgust.

"Is something wrong babe?" Shane asked.

"Yeah, you smell like pot! Did you get high again last night?" I shouted at him.

This was the second time! And he lied to me! I was seriously pissed.

Shane fought back another laugh, trying to keep a straight face, but failed. "oh, uh. No never!" he let out a loud chuckle.

"I can't believe you would do this! After you promised me you wouldn't do it again! What the fuck were you thinking?!?" I yelled.

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