Chapter 20: Something Bad Usually Happens Before The Good

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  • Dedicated to Samantha Webb

This chapter is dedicated to my Sammie Sweetheart <3 it's her birthday today! (august 14th) <3 hope you have a great day babe!!! <3 miss you

Chapter 20: Something Bad Usually Happens Before The Good

2 weeks later

Kristen’s POV 

It’s been 2 weeks since I first left town to see my Aunt Nikki. I’ve been getting updates from Jess and Sam on what had been happening while I was gone, but requested they didn’t tell me anything about Shane. I just didn’t want to hear about it. 

I had been doing very well, not thinking of him. I focused on getting my assignments, finishing the ones that my teachers had emailed me for the past 2 weeks, and started on the ones that hadn’t even been assigned yet. 

I swear I’ve never been this focused on school since the beginning of my grade 9 freshman year. I was quite pleased with myself. 

And when I wasn’t hanging with Aunt Nikki, or doing assignments, I was spending some quality time with my guitar. In the time I’ve been here, I have taught myself 2 new songs. I finished learning “Remembering Sunday” by All Time Low. Taught myself “Gunnin’” by Hedley (one of my favourites), and “Goodbye” by Ke$ha. I loved both songs. 

Things had been going really well…….

But it seemed faith wasn’t gonna let them stay good…. 

I was sitting alone near the old oak tree, strumming random chords on my guitar when I got a phone call that changed everything. 

“Kris, you need to come home. Shane’s in the hospital.” Zach exclaimed. 

Right then I almost blacked out. 


“Yeah, he got into a really messy fight with one of the jocks. May have a few broken bones, he was asking for you earlier.” Zach explained.

As much as I was mad at Shane, I knew what I had to do. 

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 

“Hurry, Kris.” I hung up the phone. 

I called Aunt Nikki and told her I had to go home. 

“Shane’s in trouble and I need to go see him. Sorry to leave you,” I apologized, as I began shoving my belongings into my suitcase. 

“Don’t worry about it, hun. Just do what you gotta do.” Aunt Nikki said. 

“Thank you for everything.” 

“You’re welcome. Oh Kris, go into my room and under my bed is a jar with money, take it with you, you’ll need for gas. And the keys to the truck are on the table. That’s a much faster way than the train.” 

She seemed to have thought of everything.

“Thank you and I love you!” I said. 

“You’re welcome, sweetie. I love you too.” she hung up the phone then. 

I continued to pack all my stuff, trying to be as quick as I can. I quickly wrote Aunt Nikki a thank you note, before grabbing the jar of money along with the truck keys and headed to the truck. I stopped for gas, filling it up, (not wanting to have to stop again) and then hit the road to home. 

Shane’s POV 

I was dropping off weed to Dean when I was ambushed by some of the football guys. I was walking down the street, it was about noon. 

I was almost to Dean’s house when I heard voices coming from behind me. I tried to ignore them, but was caught off guard when I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

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