Chapter 15: Just When You Think You're Happy In Paradise,The Waves Crash On You!

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Chapter Fifteen: Just When You Think You’re Happy In Paradise,  The Waves Crash Your Sandcastle! 

2 weeks later. 

“Kris, hurry up. We told Mom we’d be over in 5 minutes, and it’s like a 10 minute drive over there.” Shane said, poking his head into the bathroom. 

We were going out with his parents for dinner and I was told I had to look my best. So I’ve already spend 2 hours in the bathroom washing and curling my hair. I picked out my gray knee length strapless dress with a pair of black flats. I hated wearing heels and only wore them when I have to. 

After adding a touch of lip gloss, I took Shane’s hand and said, “Now we can go.” 

“You look beautiful.” he said, kissing my cheek. 

“Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.”

Shane was rocking a black tux with a grey tie to match my dress, and boy did he look hot. “Thanks babe. Now let’s go.” 

We left the apartment and headed to the restaurant. We arrived there with in ten minutes. Helene and Arnold stood outside waiting for us. 

“Sorry Kris. Took forever to get ready.” Shane said, poking me gently. 

I laughed, “Hey, I wanted to look my best.” 

Helene smiled, “Well you look amazing,” she said, giving me a hug. 

“Thanks Helene. You look great.” she was wearing a maroon coloured knee length dress covered with little yellow flowers.

“You’re welcome dear, now let’s go the table’s waiting.” 

I took Shane’s hand and headed into the restaurant. It was a fancy Chinese buffet (I love Chinese food). We grabbed our plates and headed to get our food.  

I approached the fried rice, when someone bumped into me. “Oh, I’m sorry.” 

I looked up and saw a very tall man with a goatee, wearing a long black trench coat. Something about this guy sent shivers down my back. He didn’t look like a bad guy, but then again looks can be deceiving. 

“Um, no worries it’s cool.” I said. 

Just then Shane stepped in front of me. “Stay the hell away from her.” Shane growled. 

“Ah, Shane, it’s good to see you.” the man said, with a wicked smiled. 

“I can’t say the same about you, Dad.” Shane said.

Dad? This guy was Rick? I double blinked before, I spoke. “Dad? This is your father?” I asked Shane. 


“Aw, Shane don’t act like you aren’t happy to see me. It’s been years.” Rick muttered. 

Shane’s eyes narrowed, “Yes, it’s been years but I’m not happy to see you. I wish you were dead. After everything you put my mom, my brother and myself through, I swore that if I ever saw you again, I’d kill you myself.” 

Rick took a step towards Shane, laughing.  “Son, you couldn’t even make me bleed, let one kill me.” 

Shane grabbed the collar of Rick’s jacket pulling him closer. “You wanna fucking bet, dickhead?” he whispered. 

I felt another shiver slither down my spine. Shane sounded like he was actually going to kill Rick in the middle of the restaurant. I knew I had to stop him. 

I stepped in between Shane and his father. “No, Shane not here. Let’s not make a scene.” 

He looked down at me, “Babe, this man needs to die…..” 

“Shane, no one needs to die. I know you can’t ever forgive him, but let’s go back to the table and calm down. Your mom and Arnold are waiting for us.” I said, taking his arm, pulling him away from Rick. 

Shane sighed, knowing I was right, and followed me back to the table. 

“Wow, Shane, letting your girlfriend tell you what to do.” Rick shook his head, laughing. 

I could tell Shane was fighting the urge to go back and punch Rick, but thank god he had some self control. 

The rest of dinner was fairly quiet, Shane didn’t seem to wanna talk. I personally didn’t blame him, I could try he was still pissed off from the encounter with his father. Every few minutes I would squeeze his hand, and smile. Sometimes he would smile, others he would just squeeze my hand. 

After dinner was done, Shane and I decided to go home. I hugged Helene goodbye, whispering “I’ll call you later.” 

She nodded. “Okay,” and then hugged Shane. “I love you.” 

Shane put on a smile, “Love you too, Mom.” 

After saying goodbye, Shane drove us home. As we arrived at the apartment, I pulled Shane into a hug. 

“You okay baby?” I asked. 

He tightened his grip on me. “Yeah, I’m okay. I was just pissed to see him there. I want him dead.  I was scared he was going to hurt you.” 

“Awe, Shane, don’t worry about him hurting me. I can defend myself. “

It meant a lot to me that Shane was worried about me.  Even though he knew that I could take care of myself, it was him I was worried about. 

“I know you can Kris. It’s just my defensive side came out. I was scared of him hurting you….” 

“Shane, baby. You’ve had a rough night, you need some sleep.” I said, taking his hand leading him upstairs to the bedroom. 

After getting undressed we crawled into bed and cuddled, before I drifted to sleep.

*********** Finally an update! :) sorry it's been too long, but as i said before im managing two books, and school with family stuff! but summers coming so i should have more time to write!!! 

so finally an encounter with Shane's dad!!!! what did you think?????

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