Chapter Nineteen: Things Just Get Worse, Don't They?

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*attention: there's a point of view change half way through this chapter********

Chapter Nineteen: Things Just Get Worse, Don't They?

Shane's POV

I sat outside of George's house, staring at my phone. My finger was just above the "CALL" button, I was in debate about calling Kris. I hadn't seen her since our little fight earlier today. She didn't attend any of her classes today. I was starting to get a little worried.

Without really thinking I drove home, to check if she was there. I walked to our bedroom to find the drawers hanging out of the dresser and the closet doors left open. Half of Kristen's clothes were missing from the closet.

Kris left? I thought to myself.

Oh shit. I grabbed my phone and called Sam.

"Sam where's Kris?" I asked, trying not to freak out.

"I'm not allowed to tell you." Sam responded.

"And why the hell not?" I was starting to get pissed off at this.

"Kris told me not to before she left. She needs sometime to think shit through, what happened today really upset her. Do you realize that?" Sam said.

Fuck!!!! I could've just fucked up my relationship with Kris over one little fight.

I needed to call Kris and apologize. Maybe she'd come home from wherever she was.

"Yes Sam, I realize I hurt her. But please, I wanna make things right!" I practically yelled through the phone.

"Yah, well you're gonna have to wait she wants to talk to you because as I said I can't tell you where she is."

That was it. I've had enough of talking to Sam.

"Fine whatever," I groaned and the hanged up the phone.

I quickly dialed Kris' number, but got no answer.

Glancing at the clock I realized it was almost 7pm, and I still had to pick up weed for George. Maybe blazing would help me take my mind off this Kristen bullshit.


After picking up about 10 grams from Mark (George's supplier) I headed George's.

George didn't even let me get out of the car when I got to his place.

He got into the passenger seat, and said, "Lindsay J's having another party tonight, a lot of people are gonna want weed. So we have to be there."

I nodded and headed to Lindsay's. After giving half of the pick up weed to George, I kept half for myself to sell.

The party had already started when we arrived at Lindsay's.

Time for some fun. I thought.

It was almost midnight and I'd already sold all of the weed I had on me. I smoked up with a couple of my old football friends. It was nice to hang out with the guys I use to be friends with before Kris came into my life.

We talked about the home coming game that was coming up next month and how coach was wishing I didn't quit the team.

"Seriously Shane it hasn't been the same without you on the team this season." Dean said, passing the joint back to me.

I took a puff, blowing out some smoke before saying, "I'm sure you guys are doing just fine without me. I was only good at throwing, catching, oh and running." I laughed.

"Yeah well you should come back, I'm sure coach would let you back in a heartbeat." Kyle, one of the forward players said, taking the J from me.

Just then George plunked his body down beside me on the couch. "Sorry boys but Shane's with me now. If you guys wanna see him more you should be buying off of him." he said.

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