Chapter Ten: Keeping Secrets

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Chapter Ten: Keeping Secrets

I couldn’t believe what I just heard come out of Helene’s mouth. Rick was getting out of jail?! That was not what I expected her to say. I swear I think my heart stopped for a minute. 


Helene sighed, “I got a call from the court house this morning, they told me that they’re thinking of giving Rick some probation time.”

“You’re kidding? That’s stupid of them to do.” I said. I was getting pissed more and more by the second. 

“I think it’s stupid too. But I can’t change the court’s mind. They said they’d call me when he’s being released.” 

“And are you gonna let the boys know? Or what?” 

Helene sighed again. “I want to, but I’m scared of how they’ll react. Especially Shane.” 

I understood whys she was scared about how Shane would react. He still hates his dad for everything he put his family through. I swear if Shane saw him again, he’d totally lose it like I do. I remember him telling me when he first told me about his dad that if his dad ever got out of jail, he would be the one going to jail, because he’d murder his dad for what he did to his mother, as would Zach. 

“I think it would be best to tell them when we have a for sure date on when Rick is getting out. That will give us time to prepare ourselves for their reactions.” I said. 

“Us? Our?” Helene looked at me confused. 

“Well I want to help you guys get through this. You guys helped me get through the death of my parents. I owe you guys.”  

Helene pulled me into a hug, “Thank you Kris. Other than Arnold you’re the only other person I told.”


“Yes, I knew I could trust you, you’re like the daughter I never had, but always wanted.” she confessed. 

“Thanks Helene, you’re like a second Mom to me.” 

Helene and I smiled. It felt good to know she trusted me, but I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep this big of as secret from Shane. He and I don’t keep anything from each other. But I knew that Helene should be the one to tell the boys about Rick.  She is their mom. 

“Well,  Mom, I wish you luck when you tell the boys.” I said, taking Helene’s hand. 

She sighed and then smiled at me. “Oh, well actually Kris, I was hoping you’d be there when I tell the boys, you know so you can keep Shane from losing it.” 

I nodded, “Okay, I’ll be there.” 

“Thanks, Kris.” she said, squeezing my hand. 


We continued to plan out more for the wedding. It was six o’clock when Shane, Zach and Arnold came into the living room, looking for food. 

“Hey, Ma, what’s for dinner?” Zach asked. 

“Whatever you decide to make. I’m too tired to cook right now.” Helene answered.

“Anything but Bacon!!!” Shane, Arnold and I all said at the same time. 

Zach sighed enthusiastically. “Awe, well I guess someone else is cooking then.”

“Why don’t we just order a pizza to make it easier on everyone?” I suggested. 

“There’s a good idea.” Arnold agreed. 

“Zach, go get the phone and I’ll call Johnny’s Pizza.” Helene said. 

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