Chapter 23: Tonight It Will End.

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Chapter 23: Tonight It Will End. 

Shane’s POV: 

It was around 2:30 in the morning when I got from George. Rolling over to check it, I groaned. I was tired and didn’t really wanna be disturbed. But knowing George it had to be important. 

The text read: 

We have business to settle, meet me behind the mall in 20 minutes. 

I sighed and climbed out of bed. I headed to the bathroom to get dressed. 

When I was finally ready, I went back to the bedroom to make sure Kris was still asleep. She looked so peaceful. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before I headed out the door. 

The drive to the mall was silent; I wasn’t in the mood for music, I just wanted to get whatever George wanted done and over with so I could get back to Kris. 

I finally arrived at the mall, driving around to the back parking lot. George stood there alone, looking rather jagged. I rolled my eyes, getting out of the car. 

“What’s up George? What’s so important that you had to wake me up at 2:30 in the morning?” I asked, letting my tone go sour. 

“You owe me money!” George exclaimed. 

“What are you talking about? I told you I would pay you when I had money!” Was he drunk or something?

“You owe me 200 bucks! I need it now!” George practically shouted. I saw his hand shift to his pocket- where he usually kept his gun. 

I took a step back. “Hey, George let’s not do anything rash. Just give me a minute okay?” I said, going back to the car. I dialled Kris’ cell hoping she’d pick up. 

On the third ring, “Hello?” 


 “Shane what’s going on? Where are you?” she asked. 

“In the parking lot behind the mall. I need you come here, bring some money. Please Kris.” 

There was a pause for a minute, and then she said. “okay, I’ll be there in a few.” 

Kristen’s POV: 

Sam and I rushed to Zach’s corvette and headed to the mall.  I was actually scared now, after receiving a strange phone call from him begging me to come to the mall parking lot.

When we finally arrived at the parking lot, I saw George standing there with a gun in his hand, with Shane standing less than 10 feet away from him. 

Rushing over to where they stood, I took my place in front of Shane, “What the fuck are you doing, George? What’s going on here?” I asked, practically shouting. 

“This fucker owes me money and refuses to pay me. I told him if he didn’t pay me back, I’d shot him. He didn’t believe me.” George said, his tone pissed off. 

I raised my eyebrows at him. “George you can’t just go around shooting people who owe you money. It’s not right.”

George shot me his death glare- a look I haven‘t been given in almost 2 years. “Shut the fuck up, Kris. This has nothing to do with you.”

That set me off. “You’re pointing a fucking gun at the guy I love. It such as hell has something to do with me, you moron.” I groaned, letting anger drip into my tone.

“I told you I’d pay you when I got the money and you said it was fine. And now you’re pulling a fucking gun on me. George this is stupid.” Shane nodded. 

George’s glare deepen. “Well I need the money now and you don’t have it. So this is the only way to deal with it.”

“No. it’s not. George, how much does he owe you? I’ll pay you right now.” I asked, taking a step towards him. 

George raised his eyebrows, and then answered, “$200.”

I reached into my purse and pulled out five 20s, a fifty, 4 tens and 2 fives. I walked over to George and hand him the money. “Here, now put the gun down and go home.” I then headed back to stand with Shane and Sam

George laughs, “Wow Krissy. You‘re so dumb.” 

Just then he fired of a gun shot, but missed and then fires another one, laughing. This action really pissed me off. “What the fuck George? You got your money now put the fucking gun down and stop being a goof.”

Calling George a goof wasn’t a smart choice. I saw the rage spread across his face. 

“NO ONE CALLS ME A FUCKING GOOF!” He yelled, firing off more shots at me.

Sam jumps in front of me, yelling “no” as a bullet hits her chest. She hit’s the ground screaming. I rush to her and begin crying. “No, no. Sam wake up. Wake up Smartie! Wake up please!” I pull the bullet from her chest. Shane takes her in his arms.

I heard George laugh as he drops the gun. My anger has hit its limit as I get up and charge at George. Tears of anger run down my face as I throw a punch at his nose, putting enough force into to make it bleed. 

He screamed out in pain. “You fucking bitch!”

I then raised my knee to sack him. He screamed again as he drops to the ground. “That, is for wanting to shoot my boyfriend.” I kick him again in the nuts, he grunts. “This is for shooting my cousin.”

After kicking him in the stomach, he let out a final scream as he fell to the ground. “And this, this is for being a stupid fucked up asshole who needs to go to jail and smarten the fuck up before you kill someone else.” I yelled, as more tears fall from my eyes. 

I let my anger get the best of me. I wasn’t sure what I was thinking, I was just so pissed at George I didn’t care if he lived or died. 

Things have to end somehow, I thought before blacking out. 

*********** dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!! this chapter was pretty intense eh? 

is Sam alive or not? 

What will happen now?

Anger can sometimes get the best of you, or so it seems! :)

i think this chapter deserves a vote!


one more chapter and then the epilogue!!!!!!!!!!!! 

<3 ******************** 

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