Chapter Seven: The Party

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  • Dedicated to Lindsay Johnston

Chapter Seven: The Party

When we got home from the school, I decided to take a nap. Sam insisted that I stayed with her all night at the party, instead of bailing half way through because I’m tired. After a 3 hour nap, something I haven’t had in years, except when I’m sick,(I sleep all day when I’m sick, but really who doesn’t) it was almost 4:30pm .

Sam came into the room and shook me awake. 

“Come on, Kris. We only got like 2 and a half hours to get ready for Lindsay’s party.” she says. 

I rolled out of bed, “Alright, I’m up. Let’s go.”

“So how about hair first? Curls or straight or crimped?” 

"Crimped. WE should both crimp our hair, like we use to when we were younger." she suggested, plugging in the crimper. 

"sounds good to me. " I repiled. 

An hour passed and Sam’s hair was done, while she went and picked out her outfit, I did mine.  After applying my basic eyeliner and mascara, I went to change. 

After Sam and I were all dressed and ready; Sam in a floral dress with green, yellow and purple flowers and me in black flowy dress that reached my mid thigh with partial leopard print belt . 

Shane was waiting for us by the door, in a tight black muscle shirt, his black and red stripped hoodie and a pair of blue jeans. I was about to say damn, but Sam beat me to it.  

“Damn, someone looks good.” Sam joked.  

I elbowed her in the rib, playfully. “Hey, back off he’s mine.” 

Sam laughed, “Aw, I know , no worries, cousin. I wouldn’t try and steal your boy.” 

“Hey, Sam, maybe you’ll find yourself a guy tonight.” Shane said, playfully. 

Sam shrugged, “Maybe. As long as it’s not Danny Lemons. That guy creeps me out.”

I laughed, “That guy creeps everyone girl out. And well there’s gonna be tons of guys at Lindsay’s party. You’re bound to find one you like.”

“All right, well let’s go find out.”

We left  the apartment and headed to Lindsay’s. Music was already blaring when Shane pulled up to the house. Sam rushed towards the house, with Shane and I following close behind. 

“Hey guys thanks for coming.” Lindsay greeted us. 

I smiled, “We wouldn’t miss it.”

“Plus it’s my first party back in town.” Sam said.

“Well I’m glad your back, Sam. It hasn’t been the same with out you.” Lindsay said,  pulling Sam into a hug.

“Yeah. We’ll I’m back, so lets get this party started!!” Sam exclaimed. 

“Yeah. Well I’ll see you guys around, I got more people to greet. Drinks are in the kitchen.” Lindsay muttered. 

“Thanks Lins. See you around.” Sam nodded, taking off to the kitchen.  Shane grabbed a beer and I went for a pink lemonade vex, as we began browsing the crowds. 

Lindsay’s party was like how most parties in this town are; crazy. The single football players were playing beer pong, the nerds were trying to pick up chicks. There was couples scattered everywhere, making out. And like always there’s the two junior girls who are both drunk and are making out in the hallway. Tonight it’s Edith Rosen and my friend Sierra Jones. Sierra’s bi-curious. Edith wasn't the first girl she’s kissed and probably won’t be her last. 

As we kept walking I notice my friend Selina arguing with one of Tessa’s bitchy friends; Riley. “Well at least, I’m not a band geek who has no life.” Riley said, sounding pissed. 

“Well at least I don’t follow Tessa around like a lost puppy, who secretly wants to fuck her brother.” Selina threw back. 

“Wow, Selina, you’re bitch who needs to watch her mouth before she gets hit.” Riley threatened.   

“Well, lets see if you can still hit me after this.” Selina said, pulling her arm back, her fist colliding with Riley’s nose. 

As a bitch fight breaks out, I rushed over and tried to pull Selina off of Riley. “Selly, this isn’t worth it. Let’s just walk away.” I whispered in her ear. She struggled for a few more seconds, hitting Riley’s blood covered face. Finally she got up and I lead her away from the crowd surrounding Riley. I managed to get her outside near the pool, it was too late, she was already in tears. 

“I’m sorry Kris. It’s just that, that bitch had that coming to her, the way she was talking shit about me.” she sobbed. 

“Honey, it’s okay. I would’ve done the same thing, well probably worse because we both know how my anger tends to get the best of me.” I said my tone and expression sympathetic. 

“Yeah, I know. Thanks again for getting me outta there. If you hadn’t I probably would’ve ended up murdering that little hoe.” Selina admitted. 

“Yeah, well I just about murdered Tessa this morning when she showed up to my house this morning. If it weren’t for Sam and Shane I probably would’ve,” I confessed. 

“Well, I think you’re lucky to have a great cousin and boyfriend like that. You know I’m always her if you need me too Kris.”  I smile. “ I know Selly, just as I am for you.” 

“Thanks, well I guess I better go find Tyler. He’s probably looking for me. Just as I bet Shane is looking for you. Thanks again for your help, Kris.” she said, hugging me. I hugged her back quickly, as we headed back into the house to find our boyfriends. 

I found Shane talking to James, one of his old jock friends. I walk up and lace my fingers through his.

“Sorry, I had to get Selina all calmed down.” 

Shane smiled at me, “It’s okay babe. You did the right thing.”

“Yeah, I think you’re the only one who had the guts to break up that fight. I know Shauna would’ve have.” James said.

Shauna’s his girlfriend. She was one of the head cheerleaders at our school, though she’s not all bitchy like most of the other cheerleaders. I hate most of them, just as they hate me. If you haven’t figured it out  already, I’m not like those other preppy bitches who I go to school with. They're not worth my time. 

Just then out of the blue, I spotted George standing in the corner of the room, with a joint his hand. He glanced over at me and winks. 

********** Finally I have something to upload!! this chapter was really hard to write, due to the extreme writer's block I had. after like 2 weeks of working on it, i finally finished it. :)  I decided i wanted to leave sort of a cliff hanger ending to this one. It left me something to work with in the next chapter :)  please comment and vote!! <3 thanks**************

Sam and Kristen's outfits for the party can be found on these links: 

Kristen's dress:


Shanes sweater :

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