Chapter Fourteen: Finally Something (wink) Good (wink) Happens:

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********* Warning there is a fair bit of mature content in this chapter, don't say i didn't warn you!****

Chapter Fourteen: Finally Something  (wink) Good (wink) Happens:

Kristen’s POV: 

Work was quite boring due to the fact that we didn’t have many customers, something I was strangely thankful for. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone right now. But the emptiness gave me more time to think about what happened with Shane. He doesn’t seem to wanna be around me. He’d rather hang out with George and get high. 

It hurt for me to think that, but it seemed like it was the truth of things right now. 

I understood that getting high can help you feel stress free, I knew this. Back when George and I dated we use to get high all the time. It helped me deal with the pain of watching George get arrested. I thought that after George got kicked out of school that I wouldn’t have to deal with anymore drug problems, but I guess I was very wrong. 

I wanted my Shane back. The Shane that didn’t want to ditch me to go get high. The one who didn’t lie to me. These words were running through my head. I still couldn’t believe that he lied to me. Shane never lied to me. Like I understood he was stressed but the lies are just stressing us both out even more and I personally think it’s pathetic. 

Okay, I know it sounds like I’m bitching but really I’m just hurt. You would be too if your boyfriend was lying to you about what he did and where he went too. 

After a few more boring hours of work. It was time to close up and go home. I didn’t quite know how I was getting home. I didn’t really wanna deal with Shane again, and he was most likely busy anyway. I debated on walking as I finished the last cigarette in my pack. But I don’t really want to walk in the dark alone at night. Bad things tend to happen to girls who walk alone at night.  I thought to myself. I finally called Shane and asked if he could pick me up. 

A few minutes later, Shane pulled up in the parking lot. I got in the car as we headed home. The ride was silent again except when Shane gave me the pack of smokes I asked him to pick up for me. I thanked him and than went back to the silence. I didn’t like this awkward silence but I was scared that if I said anything that it could trigger a fight- something I really didn’t want to happen again. 

We got home and headed up to the apartment. Sam was already home passed out on the couch. I walked over and lead her to her room before heading to my own. After shoving on a pair of track pants, I crawled into my side of the bed and tried to fall asleep. But sadly after trying, failed. Yes, Shane was in the bed with me, but there was no feeling of love, just pain and tension between us. I didn’t know if Shane was having problems sleeping too, because of the tension. I was too afraid to roll over and see.  

After hours of tossing and turning, I finally drifted to sleep. 

I woke up in a daze. Shane seemed to have left bed without me noticing. It was the second day that I’ve woken up without him. I was beginning to feel very lonely. I loved Shane, and I assumed he still loved me. He still loves me right? 

I rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen, hoping Shane hadn’t left yet. I wanted to apologize. 

But sadly, he was already gone. I guess I might see him at school, I thought and hoped I was right. 

I quickly took a shower, blow dried and straightened my hair. I got dressed in some red skinnies and a black tee shirt. Sam came walking into the bathroom at that moment, dressed in a yellow tang top and blue ripped jeans with her black leather jacket. “you okay, babe?” she asked. 

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